[转载] HELP!!找到HIT&RUN肇事卡车, 但他们不承认.
[转载] HELP!!找到HIT&RUN肇事卡车, 但他们不承认.# Law - 律师事务所
【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: forever (snow+white), 信区: Automobile
标 题: HELP!!找到HIT&RUN肇事卡车, 但他们不承认.
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Wed Mar 2 14:31:59 2005) WWW-POST
Our witness is kind enough to leave a second note with another plate number.
And we found out that it belongs to a local truck renting company. We called
the company, faxed the police report and they forwarded them to the insurance
Now this broker simply denied it, saying their truck is new and had no
accident. He denie
You seem to have targeted the wrong person and taken useless actions.
1) do you have the insurance contract with GEICO? Bring it out and read it
carefully. you should only believe in what was said on the paper, not what you
heard from the phone!
2) you have no legal right to ask for inspecting their truck. what do you want
to get? collect evidence to prove your theory or clear them? you are so naive
to make that request.
3) if you want to sue,prepare evidences such as the the damage and the tape

【在 f*****r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: forever (snow+white), 信区: Automobile
: 标 题: HELP!!找到HIT&RUN肇事卡车, 但他们不承认.
: 发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Wed Mar 2 14:31:59 2005) WWW-POST
: Our witness is kind enough to leave a second note with another plate number.
: And we found out that it belongs to a local truck renting company. We called
: the company, faxed the police report and they forwarded them to the insurance
: broker.
: Now this broker simply denied it, saying their truck is new and had no
: accident. He denie

I have read all postings from you and others in this and Automobile boards.
You did not say how much damages your car sustained, but I question if it is
worthwhile for you to pursue this.
It is not clear to me whether the same witness provided two different license
plate numbers. If so, how come?
In any event, the person who did this definitely won't allow you to examine
the car, having fled in the first place--against (your) state (criminal) law,
I may add.
Suggestions of other readers counter

【在 f*****r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Automobile 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: forever (snow+white), 信区: Automobile
: 标 题: HELP!!找到HIT&RUN肇事卡车, 但他们不承认.
: 发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Wed Mar 2 14:31:59 2005) WWW-POST
: Our witness is kind enough to leave a second note with another plate number.
: And we found out that it belongs to a local truck renting company. We called
: the company, faxed the police report and they forwarded them to the insurance
: broker.
: Now this broker simply denied it, saying their truck is new and had no
: accident. He denie
