作者:凡夫 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_50772b95010099gf.html 印度古代韦达文明,以及它的经典所表达的思想,就其核心部分而论,是辉煌的、深邃 的、成熟的,而且给人近乎终极的感觉。更重要的是,这些东西实际上不是作为思想, 而是作为个人的真实证悟而给出的。它给人一种几乎无法超越的感觉。 1.叔本华对韦达经典的赞誉 德国哲学家叔本华(Schopenhauer,1788-1860)在读到《奥义书》之后评论道:“从 每一个句子里都有原创与辉煌的思想出现,整个文字都充满了一种高尚、神圣与真挚的 精神。”他又说:“除了对它的原文进行研究外,在全世界没有什么研究是如此的有益 ,如此的令人升华…它一直是我生命的安慰,它也将是我死亡的安慰。” 他对《韦达经》的评论是,“它是世界上可能存在的最有益与最高尚的书”,“我们通 过《奥义书》接触到它,在我看来,这是这个年轻的世纪比起过去的世纪来,所拥有的 最大优越之处。”“它迟早将成为人们的信仰。” 在他1819年出版的主要著作《作为意志与表象的世界》(The World as Will and Idea )的
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I may have an internship oppotunity in Citibank, and also a one in a 1- person CPA firm. Which one should I choose if I want to corporate tax in the future? I prefer to Citi better as for the name in the job market but not sure what positions are over there for accounting students. Both no sponsorship, just intern..:(
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侄女获得下列法学院录取: New York University University of Pennsylvania Georgetown University Vanderbilt University 还在等 Duke University Cornell university University of Virginia 假设就在已经录取的四所里选,怎么选择呢? 选法学院主要看什么? (我是外行,所以不知道怎么问。) 谢谢
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There are several new medications that provide some benefit for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer). Sorafenib Bevacizumab Sunitinib Erlotinib They differ from conventional chemotherapy drugs as their side effect are more benign. Since they are relatively new, clinical data are not robust and they on average prolong life by months. They are very expensive, and all of them need prescription. You can find lots of information on google.
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of course Citi
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侄女获得下列法学院录取: New York University University of Pennsylvania Georgetown University Vanderbilt University 还在等 Duke University Cornell university University of Virginia 假设就在已经录取的四所里选,怎么选择呢? 选法学院主要看什么? (我是外行,所以不知道怎么问。) 谢谢
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Even just as a teller? How do you look at it? Thank you.