Survival Behavior (转载)# LeisureTime - 读书听歌看电影
【 以下文字转载自 Connecticut 讨论区 】
发信人: wh (wh), 信区: Connecticut
标 题: Survival Behavior
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jul 10 15:11:21 2014, 美东)
是本地报纸上的文章,作者Bernie Siegel是个提倡心理健康疗法的医生,写过好几本
畅销书。一共20条survival behavior,有的简单易行,比如我现在尽量每天带小孩饭
Dear Everybody,
The following was a list available via my computer. Can’t help but share it
with some edits and comments. With all the work I do with people with life-
threatening illnesses I have accepted my mortality and, therefore, enjoy the
opportunity of life as difficult as it may be. I can cause and I can
relieve my stress, pain, difficulties and unhappiness by changing my
thoughts and attitudes. Remember you change your life or your attitude to
resolve your difficulties. Here are the 20 ways presented by the computer
list to reduce your stress and start feeling a whole lot better followed by
my comments.
1. Take a deep breath. As simple as that sounds, deep breaths reduce the
amount of cortisol (皮质醇), which can help release stress and anxiety. So
next time you feel overwhelmed, take some deep breaths.
Yes, breathe and you will feel the change happening in your mind and body.
2. Meditation: The best thing about meditation is that it allows the brain
to relax for a bit and so decreases the overthinking we do and the stress
that comes with it. Give your mind a well needed break.
Find a mantra you can repeat which will change how you feel. I repeat, Thank
you for everything. I am happy. I am healthy. I love my life. I have no
complaint whatsoever.
3. Retreat to your imagination: Imagine a peaceful scene, and let calm wash
over you. If it doesn’t work, imagine a happy memory of a time when you
felt at ease.
By visualizing what you desire happening – be it related to medical
treatments like chemotherapy or going to a business or family event –
picture it as you want it to be and your body will experience it in a
healthy way when it occurs.
(Harry Potter里有一个高难度咒语也是先要回忆生平最愉快的经历,在愉快的心情下
4. Exercise: Not only does physical activity give a well needed release for
your anger and frustration, the endorphins (内啡肽) that are released after
that activity help to drastically reduce the anxiety, as well as making you
feel more powerful and in control.
Exercise is the one thing that is life enhancing no matter what your problem
is. It changes your body chemistry and makes you feel better. So get off
your butt and get moving. You can get a dog and be forced to walk.
5. Have sexual relations: Research shows that having sexual relations
reduces the symptoms of stress and anxiety in a significant way.
Presuming they are legal and you don’t fear criticism about your competency
. I was at a therapy meeting and they were pointing out how the levels of
happiness in the audience related to how often they had sex. I told them
once a year. When they couldn’t understand my level of happiness I told
them, “Tonight’s the night.”
6. Music: Studies show that listening to music can elevate stress by
activating bio-chemical mechanism s in the brain responsible for controlling
the amount of stress we feel.
I played music in the operating room via a tape recorder years ago and was
called an explosion hazard. Until they realized the staff all felt better,
surgery went faster, fewer drugs needed and patients experienced less pain.
7. Yoga: We’ll say it again – yoga is great. The combination of breathing
techniques and physical activity makes yoga one heck of a soldier in the
fight against anxiety.
Yoga like medication quiets the mind and the quiet mind sees and learns the
(这段像Star Wars,Luke Skywalker问如何区分the good and the bad forces,
Master Yoda回答 “You will know when you are calm, at peace.”星战和哈利波特
8. Walking: A quiet walk, especially at night, can do wonders for stress.
Walking alone lets you have a conversation with yourself. Walking is much
like yoga and meditation and a good time to repeat your mantra. My dogs and
one of our cats come with me but they are not distracting me.
9. Talk to a loved one: Some people need to ‘get it off their chest’, and
who better to talk to than someone who is on your side. Maybe it’s a
partner, a great friend or a relative, but the interaction and closeness can
do wonders.
Talk to a loved one who will listen to you and not interrupt and tell you
what to do. You need to hear what you have to say and then you will know
what you need to do. Your loved one will get the credit for helping you.
10. Take a break: Take yourselves out of a stressing situation from time to
time, don’t slog it. The little times off will help you come back with
renewed energy. Remember, you are not a machine, you need these little
Yes, listen to your heart and respond to your feelings and needs. Resting is
an activity too.
11. Scented candles: Studies show that aromatherapy can be very effective
against stress, and lavender scents have been directly linked to a decrease
in overall stress.
Aromatherapy works at home, at work and in the hospital. Pleasant aromas let
people complete medical tests and scans with fewer interruptions and
cancellations. Even real estate agents use them to help sell houses.
12. A long, pampering massage: There’s nothing like a good massage to take
away all the combined stress in your muscles and let it go. Studies have
shown the survival benefits to adults and infants who are massaged. Ask your
partner to massage you or go for a professional massage.
13. Get a pet: Statistics show that people who own pets are less stressed.
And their health and survival statistics are better too. Relationships are
life enhancing and petting a furry creature changes our body chemistry in a
therapeutic way.
14. Write a diary: Keeping a journal of your feelings is a well-known
therapy for alleviating stress and anxiety.
At the end of a study of asthma patients those who wrote down their feelings
were healthier than those who kept a schedule of just the time events
15. Take a nap: A nap, usually around noon, is a great way to let your body
balance its hormones and release stress. Yes, resting is an activity which
nourishes the brain and lets you learn from your dreams.
16. Drink tea: Studies show that drinking tea balances the amount of the
cortisol hormone released after stress and makes us feel more relaxed. So
maybe the English are on to something here… and so are the French.
Tea ain’t the only helpful drink.
17. Chew gum: Chewing gum has a similar effect to drinking tea. The ongoing
activity gives you something to focus on other than your troubles, and will
prevent you from grinding your teeth and causing yourselves pain.
Unless you bit your lip or tongue.
18. Laugh: It’s not a myth that laughter can be the best medicine, as it
releases endorphins that significantly reduce the levels of stress in the
body. So watch a comedy, read some jokes, share some laughs with a friend.
Laughing for no apparent reason prolonged the survival of cancer patients
versus the control group who did not laugh for several times a day. Remember
Norman Cousins and his experience with illness using Candid Camera tapes.
(查了查,Norman Cousins有严重的心脏病和关节炎,靠每天吃大量维生素C和看《
Candid Camera》等喜剧电视大笑而活到75岁。写有《Anatomy of an Illness》一书并
19. Take time for yourselves: Find time to be alone, isolate the disturbing
thoughts and think of creative ideas. Sometimes it’s better not to run from
stress, but deal with it alone.
Yes the still pond, the quiet mind are a necessity for communication.
20. Believe in yourselves: If there’s one thing we can leave you with, it
is this: Know that you have the power to succeed and overcome any problem,
believe in yourselves enough to take risks and take that important step
You have the potential. Do not fear failure and do not fear change. Change
手工抄录的呀,都不舍得看了 :-)
而deeply guilty 了。
哈哈,要是有optical recognition software就省事了。不过英语打字快。嗯跟投机的
人灌水,既是写日记又是talk to a loved one,一举两得,哈哈。meditation我没学

【在 L******h 的大作中提到】
: 手工抄录的呀,都不舍得看了 :-)
: 非常有帮助,尤其是那句“灌水相当于记日记,需要提倡……”,让我觉得不再为灌水
: 而deeply guilty 了。

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