改变你生活/人生的一本书# LeisureTime - 读书听歌看电影
在Facebook上看到一个话题:Name one book that changed your life?
1. 两本经书很多人提(古兰经和圣经),不少人提到读了经书,让他们坚定地成为无
2. 达芬奇的密码Da Vinci Code
3. "How To Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. It changed my
life. 这本书不错。还有一本The leader in you by Dale Carnegie
4. 1984. 这本书很多人提到。
5. 哈利波特Harry potter. 不言而喻。
6. The God delusion-Richard Dawkins 这本书有助于认清宗教的真相。
7. Stranger in a Strange Land. 科幻读物。
8. 动物庄园Animal Farm. 跟1984一起读,会更好。
9. Ishmael by Daniel Quinn 这本也受多人推崇。
10. The giver.
Name one book that changed your life?
Harry potter, because it taught me people will do anything under the name of
'For the Greater Good', the government will not help us and the papers will
not publish the real story because some twits can't stand the reality. Also
that it doesn't matter when we have powers or not, some people will always
think they are better than the rest and find ways to do that and degrade
others, talking about the Pureblood supremacy. Wow, doesn't it sound
If I had to name just one, it would be "The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott
Peck, M.D. But I would like to add "Siddhartha" by Hermann Hesse and "The
Tao of Pooh" by Benjamin Hoff. All of these have the power to change one's
life for the better.
This may sound kind of stupid, but Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice.
It was one of the first things I read that opened my mind to questioning the
Christian doctrine (not that I ever really believed, I just didn't care)
Free Will by Sam Harris. Convinced me that free will in the sense I believed
in was nonsensical and in therefore complete changed my view of my life and
the world.
The Sun Also Rises - Hemingway
Life goes on without you so either do something to be remembered by or live
a life you want to remember.
Hardy's "A Mathematician's Apology"
Pretty much responsible for turning me to my late passion for mathematics.
Although, B.F. Skinner's "Beyond Freedom & Dignity" comes a close second
because it's responsible for my other interest in cognitive science.
Literally anything by Kurt Vonnegut,
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
The Real Frank Zappa Book by...Frank Zappa. ...See More
'A Wrinkle in time' it is a pre teen series but it was the first time I read
something that made me read everything an author ever wrote and had a major
impact on my love for reading
"Dune." The book was given to me when I was twelve, and it introduced me to
the enjoyment of reading books for their own sake. It was the start of many
other influences to come.
The Bible. It made me realize that not everything my parents taught me were
right, made me develop my own way of thinking, Even though is full of
bullshit, it was the trigger of my thirst for more knowledge on how the
world works.
The Population Bomb. I committed not to make any more humans on this planet.
We have cared for and loved many kids in our lives, but we did not make any
of our own.
Our bodies ourselves, by the Berkeley women's health collective, given to me
by my grandfather when I moved away to college.
Not sure which book changed my life per say. I read too many. They bleed
together in a beautiful way in my head. But my favorite book that i think
everyone should read is Brave New World. It shows you that happiness can
never truly be appreciated without sadness and other similar things. Has
anyone else read it?
Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown .... Made me realize there is more to this
religion than one side of the story made me dig deeper and deeper and see
the what Christianity really was ... In short it's was my first step towards
Stephen King's The Shining. I was in the 5th grade when I had first read it
and over the years, I have re-read it so many times. At first, it taught me
that the scariest things were the stuff you couldn't control and that your
best abilities can actual...See More
Holy quran, turned me into an atheist after i'm done reading it.
Alexandre Dumas' Robin Hood. My gran used to read it to me as a kid. It
opened my appetite for books and stories. I don't remember learning to read,
but it was probably on this book and a few others.
Bigger leaner stronger by Mike Matthews.. Really great for anyone looking to
get in shape, it's straight to the point and very detailed. The main thing
I loved about it was that everything he stated in the book was backed by
scientific evidence and he ...See More
1001 nights. It transported me to a bunch of magical lands and fired my
imagination as a child. Also, this book, when compared to the bible or Quran
, is a mountain of moral virtue..
RAIN, if a webcomic can count. It is released as a book, too. It made me
realise that it's OK to be gender fluid, which my intelligent mind knew
already but my emotional mind refused to accept.
Count of Monte Cristo, Papillon and Flowers for Algernon.
Didnt change my life but Pillars of the Earth was fucking phenomenal
A self help book called Quran.
"If you don't like someone help yourself by killing him/her."
The Bible. It taught me how not to act. What not to do. How not to think...
See spot, see Spot run. That was the beginning of learning to read. Anything
else I took with a grain of salt.
"How To Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. It changed my life.
The Bible. I don't need an immoral book of fairytales in my life.
Demon Haunted World.
And Chariots of the Gods. But for different reasons.
The Bible. Made me a profound atheist and overall a better person!
The things they carried. I forget the author but man that book is amazing
SuperFudge...i think thats the name of it..only book iv ever read front to
Helter-skelter...... I know it's weird but it got me to love reading books
Reading Surface Detail by Iian M Banks at the moment and my word is it
The Auckland Telephone Directory... although the movie version was a bit
The mastery of love. The four agreements. both written by don miguel ruiz.
As a man thinkith and associated books by James Allen.
The Island of the Blue Dolphins. - Scott O'Dell
The Giver. It absolutely woke me up to what we AREN'T taught but what is
available to learn.
Mists of Avalon. It's when I learned that even King Arthur wouldn't have
been shit without the women behind him.
No book can not changed the life. Person has to be changed him self.
In my fifth class I have to prepare for the entrance exam, there after my
life changed a lot, so fifth class books
Harry potter. Sound childish but it helped me to fight depression and
A people's history of the United States - Howard Zinn
A desert Solitaire- Edward Abbey
Collection of problems and exercises in mathematical analysis (Demidovich B.
Naken Lunch. Burroughs.
It blew my mind. Then I knew anything was possible.
The God delusion-Richard Dawkins
Camus' 'The Rebel'. It really comforts me about the concept of rebellion as
a fundamental in freedom
Stranger in a Strange Land.
A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle. Got me through a tough time and has empowered
Gulliver'sTravels. Swift's original not the bowdlerised children's version.
The juvenile novels of Robert Heinlein, I detest their libertarianism, but
they taught me anyone can be a hero
Betty Friedan's "The Feminine Mystique". Gave me courage to make my own life.
Quran e Pak.. Chng my Lyf n turn my Lyf in a best way to the glory..
the bible. made me see how easy people become sheep and how foolishg it is
California DMV Manual. Without it I wouldn't have a driver's license.
Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire by Gibbon. As weell as a few by Durant.
Harry Potter 1. I was young enough that seeing the movie inspired me to
prove that there couldn't be all that action in that book. I've been reading
ever since.
The Trial by Kafka. Unbearable Lightness of Being by Kundera and The
Stranger and Exile and the Kingdom by Camus
"The Tell-Tale Heart" was first published in January 1843 in the inaugural
issue of The Pioneer, a short-lived Boston magazine edited by James Russell
Lowell. Poe was likely paid $10 for the story.
The Bible, after reading it.. I decided that I should stop reading
face book :( 😑 changed my life completely
Bhagavadgita, Qur'an(English translation)!!
After reading the first two pages of these two books, I became an atheist.
We (Filipinos) called it 'Abakada', it teaches me how to read, it changed me.
Johnny Got His Gun
-Dalton Trumbo...See More
The Demon Haunted World; Science Like as a Candle in the dark, Carl Sagan.
and his other works ....
The bible and the Quran two of the most hypocritical books ever made by man
Mathematics ruined my life...😥😥
Making Sense by Julian Baggini
One of the best book i have read.
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Animal Farm.
The Alchemist
The End of Faith, by Sam Harris
The god Delusion by Dawkins
To Kill A Mockingbird
A Thousand Splendid Suns
Watchmen by Alan Moore
World Made By Hand
One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish.
The Elegant universe, actually.
Satanic verses.
The Punisher War Journal #6
The Story of B.
God Is Not Great- Christopher Hitchens
Elements of Argument.....by Annette Rottenberg
Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Change your life ch1
The Four Agreements and The Four Agreements Companion Book
Carl Sagan - The Demon-Haunted World
Dan Brown- The Lost Symbol. 'Nuff said.
On The Road by Jack Kerouac
Victor frankl mans search for meaning
Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. Please read this book.
The DaVinci Code.
Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan.
Richard Dawkins- The God Delusion
Rogue Warrior...
Truly tasteless jokes vol. 1
The God Delusion, followed closely by Ender's Game
Letter to a Christian Nation
The alchemist- Paulo Coelho
The Tao of Pooh. No kidding, go read it.
Beyond Good and Evil
The Satanic Bible
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Into the wild
'The History of the Sikhs' by Khushwant Singh
The Da Vinci Code
His Dark Materials
The Prince!
1984 by George Orwell
Ishmael by Daniel quinn
"To Kill a Mockingbird"
raptor by gary jennings ;p
The one thing.
Picture of Dorian Gray.
D&D Player's Handbook 3.0. My childhood was never the same.
Not a book but rather a series. The Dark Tower series.
The yellowpages
"Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn
Stranger in a strange land. RAH
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Dirty Little Limericks, vol 1
The hobbit. My new password is about something in it.
Memnoch the Devil by Anne Rice
A Pale Horse- William Bill Cooper
The Bible
Nadja by Andre Breton
The God Delusion, Richard Dawkins.
Dr Seuss , the cat in the hat !
101 Weekend Woodworking Projects.
'The Gift of Fear', Gavin DeBecker
Stranger in a strange land
Facebook ;-)
More of a magazine, "torture garden"
The Bible, it made me the proud atheist I am.
The Harry Potter series.
The Bible. It taught me to be atheist
The Town and The City by Jack Kerouac.
Letting Go of God
The bible, made me a strong Atheist.
Facebook...24 hrs online
Rose Madder - Stephen King
Manufacturing Consent
Lamb by Christopher Moore.
3001 final odessey
House of Leaves
Playboy :-)
The Tao of Pooh
Concepts of physics
By hc verma
As a man thinketh- James Allen.
Leaves of Grass
The jungle
Seth Andrews de converted.
The prophet, Gibran
The Stranger
The Brothers Karamazov
Karma sutra
Chaos by James Gleick
Audio format. Very gripping!
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The Antichrist - Friedrich Nietzsche
The Giving Tree
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
Atlas Shrugged
I'm Ron Burgundy?
physics book
Smokey and the Bandit
Account book
Pontypool Changes Everything-Tony Burgess.
Playboy, it made me realise what a perv I was
The girl with the dragon tattoo.
Berenstein Bears
God is not great by Christopher Hitchens
The Lord of the Rings.
Text book
"the god delusion" by Richard Dawkins
A book by late dr.HN of National college blr. INDIA
Malazan Book of the Fallen. All 10 books.
Books don't change lives, people and incidents do....
mine is a series, the house of night series
LOTR...First read it at 11. Also Hitchhikers Guide series.
"The mastery of self" - Don Miguel
"Green eggs and ham"
The Satanic Bible by Anton Szandor Lavey
the power of now by eckhart tolle
Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
Bartending for Dummies
Night- by Eli Weisel
It made me an Atheist! :D
Not the Bible
A book of matches
Jenna Jamesons "How to make love like a porn star"
The meditions
Emotional Intelligence-Daniel Golman
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Atlas Shrugged
The Joy of Gay Sex
Cracker Jackson by Betty Byars
Where's the green sheep
Freedom: My Book of Firsts by Jaycee Lee Dugard
The ikea catalogue.
Swan Song by Robert McCammon. Best book I have ever read.
As you like it. Thought me a lot.
Green eggs and ham
House Rules
Does fb count :v
Bunny suicides 😂
Animal Farm - George Orwell
Pale blue dot
"The origin of species" By charles Darwin
God is not great - Hitchens
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand.
The alchemist
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The Power of One
When I read it in Middle School.
"Maybe one day". It's so amazing I can't describe it
The Holy Bible....
It made me a smart Atheist.
Egyptian Book of the Dead
"The Maximum Mind"
Everything, every thing. And also All The Bright Places.
Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons
Ken wilber's: A brief history of everything.
Archie....vol.3 :)
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facebook...... ends my career......
Matrix analysis of structures by aslam kassimali
Bringers of the dawn. By Barbara M.
IT book
Main kamif by hitler
The Anti-Christ by Nietzsche
Beyond good and evil
The Way of Zen- Alan Watts
Priest and a Profit
jungle book
Sophie's World
Tuesdays with Morrie
"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz
Khalil Gibran's "The Prophet".
The Secret Science
History of architecture
Hansel and Gratel
The War Against Boys - Christina Hoff Sommers
Intelligent design
The leader in you Dale Carnegie
The giver. Made me realize how strange the world can really be
Art of Peace
Girl, Interrupted.
Anthem by Ayn Rand
khushwantnama written by khushwant singh
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:在Facebook上看到一个话题:Name one book that changed your life?
:1. 两本经书很多人提(古兰经和圣经),不少人提到读了经书,让他们坚定地成为无
:2. 达芬奇的密码Da Vinci Code
:3. "How To Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. It
changed my
:life. 这本书不错。还有一本The leader in you by Dale Carnegie
:4. 1984. 这本书很多人提到。
:5. 哈利波特Harry potter. 不言而喻。

【在 G****e 的大作中提到】
: Name one book that changed your life?
: Harry potter, because it taught me people will do anything under the name of
: 'For the Greater Good', the government will not help us and the papers will
: not publish the real story because some twits can't stand the reality. Also
: that it doesn't matter when we have powers or not, some people will always
: think they are better than the rest and find ways to do that and degrade
: others, talking about the Pureblood supremacy. Wow, doesn't it sound
: familiar?
: If I had to name just one, it would be "The Road Less Travelled" by M. Scott

mark for later

【在 G****e 的大作中提到】
: 在Facebook上看到一个话题:Name one book that changed your life?
: 改变你生活/人生的一本书,有将近300人回复。
: 我把所有回复保持下来,去掉回复人的信息,稍加整理一下。可以看出很多人读过共同
: 的书,也有比较独特的回复。我挑几本列一下。
: 1. 两本经书很多人提(古兰经和圣经),不少人提到读了经书,让他们坚定地成为无
: 神论者。太多人会信是因为并没有完完整整地把经书读懂,而是挑着读,自然认识很肤
: 浅。
: 2. 达芬奇的密码Da Vinci Code
: 3. "How To Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. It changed my
: life. 这本书不错。还有一本The leader in you by Dale Carnegie

"The Bible",从小从圣经故事读起,其实现在也有好多地方没读懂,但是也不影响它

【在 G****e 的大作中提到】
: 在Facebook上看到一个话题:Name one book that changed your life?
: 改变你生活/人生的一本书,有将近300人回复。
: 我把所有回复保持下来,去掉回复人的信息,稍加整理一下。可以看出很多人读过共同
: 的书,也有比较独特的回复。我挑几本列一下。
: 1. 两本经书很多人提(古兰经和圣经),不少人提到读了经书,让他们坚定地成为无
: 神论者。太多人会信是因为并没有完完整整地把经书读懂,而是挑着读,自然认识很肤
: 浅。
: 2. 达芬奇的密码Da Vinci Code
: 3. "How To Stop Worrying and Start Living" by Dale Carnegie. It changed my
: life. 这本书不错。还有一本The leader in you by Dale Carnegie

1984,animal farm
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