Love Challenge# LES - 同女之舞
Challenge: can you make up a sentence that has more love's in it then this
I would love to tell you that I love writing love letters to the person I
love the most among all the people I love because I know if I love reading
love letters from someone who loves me and I do love back or even someone
who loves me but I do not love back then the person I love must love
reading love letters from me who loves her and she also loves or even if
she does not love me---the person who writes love lette
I would love to tell my love that I love to go to love hotels at love hotel
hill to make love with my love that also loves me but not with any other per
son in the world whom I don't love or who doesn't love me, since I would lov
e to believe that holy love should be the love from both love sides and shou
ld be made as a perfect love in a love hotel at love hotel hill rather than
that kind of love that is talked in love stories, sung in love songs, wrote
in love letters, read in love poems, watc

【在 y********k 的大作中提到】
: Challenge: can you make up a sentence that has more love's in it then this
: one?
: I would love to tell you that I love writing love letters to the person I
: love the most among all the people I love because I know if I love reading
: love letters from someone who loves me and I do love back or even someone
: who loves me but I do not love back then the person I love must love
: reading love letters from me who loves her and she also loves or even if
: she does not love me---the person who writes love lette

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