用眼睛强奸# LES - 同女之舞
1 楼
昨天去DC开会,metro上一美女在打盹,盯着她看了好久,totally意淫了一把, then
she woke up, 抬起了头,尽然是斗鸡眼!
btw, complain complain...got delayed in DC due to engine problem...missed
connection flight and had to stay in Memphis for a night...今天回来,email
box is crammed with students' emails abt last night's exam which I wasn't
able to reply.这下要被记狠了:(
she woke up, 抬起了头,尽然是斗鸡眼!
btw, complain complain...got delayed in DC due to engine problem...missed
connection flight and had to stay in Memphis for a night...今天回来,email
box is crammed with students' emails abt last night's exam which I wasn't
able to reply.这下要被记狠了:(