here is some proposal from congress bugget office "First, reduce the maximum amount of mortgage debt on which interest is deductible from the current $1.1 million to $500,000 by 2018. The tax increase: $41 billion over 10 years."
Rollback of Bush Tax Cuts. 友情提醒要死的有钱人,赶快今年死,今年的遗产税是0 .
9 楼
Obama proposed 2011Yr bugget "As currently drafted, the plan changes the Mortgage Interest Deduction by reducing the amount of mortgage deductibility on families earning over $250, 000 (AGI), and on single tax payers earning over $200,000 (AGI)." and this bugget must be past by the senenate. (am I right here?) Bush's administration actually tried several times to totally eliminate the mortgage interest deduction.
这和什么提案一点关系都没有, 不懂就不要胡说。 这个是BUSH时代的法律, 那个法律有效期只到今年底。 如果没有新的法案延长老的法 律的条款, 那么那个法律里所涉及的税都会回到这个法律生效以前的税率。 包括max long term cap gain 回到28% (从15%), 税率从10%起回到15%, 等等 现在要看有什么新的法律来保持,或修改那个老的法律。
Details: (note, it should be 3%, not 1%, that means for 200K AGI, that's $1020; for 300K AGI that's $4000) "Once your 2009 adjusted gross income (AGI) exceeds $166,800 (regardless of whether you file joint or single taxes), the phaseout rule reduces your itemized deductions by 2% of the excess. For instance, say your AGI is $300, 000. Your otherwise allowable itemized deductions are reduced by $1,332 [($ 300,000 - $166,800) x .01]. If yo