【在 b*********n 的大作中提到】 : where are you? sounds like terrible place for health care : : 去年秋天,我四岁的儿子开始咳嗽,家庭医生说是气管炎,按气管炎开药的沙丁胺醇, : 吸了四五个月还是咳嗽,(X光片,拍了4次,还要再拍,我给拒绝了)。咳嗽时好时坏 : ,停两天,咳两天 : 后来大夫自己说是弄错了,是肺炎,开的头孢地尼+阿莫西林 : 还是咳嗽,refer给一个儿科肺专家,那个大夫说前两个诊断都不对,一边肺叶比另一 : 半略大,很明显是肺萎陷。但开的还是头孢 : 我略懂中医,没正经学过,都是自己读的,平时自己病了,我都敢治,基本不超过三天 : 就好。从来不给别人治,怕失手,只是看孩子半夜咳的睡不着觉太可怜了,就按摩大椎
have you checked review for your doctors from your insurance company? have you use nebulizer instead of inhaler? if cough didn't stop or better within two weeks, obviously something wrong from your doctor's side
四五个月还是咳嗽,(X光片,拍了4次) This is reasonable. 家庭医生(不是个人诊所,是正规医院的大夫)居然不会看片子, getting consultants does not mean he/she is not capable of reading CXR 可恨的是他大概知道自己是二把刀,找了一个他认为是专门看片子的人给确认,结果那 个人也看错。 How did you know the consultant was "wrong"? 更可恨的是,那个人就‘纠正’了自己的错误,和肺科专家看的还是不一样。 最可恨的是儿童肺科专家,胡说八道,要真是肺萎馅,我儿子夏天怎么就没事了?肺粘 膜粘连难道还和季节有关? Atelectasis could be secondary to foreign object in the airway (most common in children), how do you know the pediatric pulmonologist is a jerk?
四五个月还是咳嗽,(X光片,拍了4次) This is reasonable.------你有孩子吗?你会给他一个月照一次X光片么? 家庭医生(不是个人诊所,是正规医院的大夫)居然不会看片子, getting consultants does not mean he/she is not capable of reading CXR -------对不起,这是大夫在我反复追问下,自己说的。 可恨的是他大概知道自己是二把刀,找了一个他认为是专门看片子的人给确认,结果那 个人也看错。 How did you know the consultant was "wrong"?----这也是他打电话来自己告诉我们的 更可恨的是,那个人就‘纠正’了自己的错误,和肺科专家看的还是不一样。 最可恨的是儿童肺科专家,胡说八道,要真是肺萎馅,我儿子夏天怎么就没事了?肺粘 膜粘连难道还和季节有关? Atelectasis could be secondary to foreign object in the airway (most common in children), how do you know the pediatric pulmonologist is a jerk? 你怎么解释一个物理现象,冬天就有问题,夏天就没事? 另外,你要没孩子,也不懂医,这里不是你 “答疑” 的地方。你能说说自己的专业么?
【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】 : 四五个月还是咳嗽,(X光片,拍了4次) : This is reasonable. : 家庭医生(不是个人诊所,是正规医院的大夫)居然不会看片子, : getting consultants does not mean he/she is not capable of reading CXR : 可恨的是他大概知道自己是二把刀,找了一个他认为是专门看片子的人给确认,结果那 : 个人也看错。 : How did you know the consultant was "wrong"? : 更可恨的是,那个人就‘纠正’了自己的错误,和肺科专家看的还是不一样。 : 最可恨的是儿童肺科专家,胡说八道,要真是肺萎馅,我儿子夏天怎么就没事了?肺粘 : 膜粘连难道还和季节有关?
46 楼
your wife is not a good mom. American doctor is useless in most cases.
看不明白这“zhisousan” 和 “san ao tang”是啥, 反正我自己的方法管用, 药店 里的各种膏啊, 露啊的, 和我所知道的土方都不管用就是了。
【在 j******9 的大作中提到】 : The best doctrations are zhisousan and san ao tang in cough, not 川贝, 梨水 : . Which doctration you should use depending on your zhenghou. : : ,
四五个月还是咳嗽,(X光片,拍了4次) This is reasonable.------你有孩子吗?你会给他一个月照一次X光片么?I do have kids, and CXR f/u for undiagnosed chronic cough is reasonable. Having kids does not mean you know what you are doing. 家庭医生(不是个人诊所,是正规医院的大夫)居然不会看片子, getting consultants does not mean he/she is not capable of reading CXR -------对不起,这是大夫在我反复追问下,自己说的。No comment. But I doubt it. 可恨的是他大概知道自己是二把刀,找了一个他认为是专门看片子的人给确认,结果那 个人也看错。 How did you know the consultant was "wrong"?----这也是他打电话来自己告诉我们 的 No comment. Looks like all of the doctors you have seen have to come to you and confess you are "right" and they are "wrong". Strongly suggest you set up a private practice and/or training doctors as smart as you are. 更可恨的是,那个人就‘纠正’了自己的错误,和肺科专家看的还是不一样。 最可恨的是儿童肺科专家,胡说八道,要真是肺萎馅,我儿子夏天怎么就没事了?肺粘 膜粘连难道还和季节有关? Atelectasis could be secondary to foreign object in the airway (most common in children), how do you know the pediatric pulmonologist is a jerk? 你怎么解释一个物理现象,冬天就有问题,夏天就没事? Guess you need to learn how to think. 另外,你要没孩子,也不懂医,这里不是你 “答疑” 的地方。你能说说自己的专业么 ?Again, having kids doesn't mean you are smart or superior. I may know more about medicine than you do, but as you can tell, I am not telling you what's wrong with your son, I am not implying you are stupid. I just suggest that being less judgmental and more respectful will carry you a long way. I hope your son has fully recovered and you don't have to go through stressful time like this again. Thanks.
【在 c*******r 的大作中提到】 : 四五个月还是咳嗽,(X光片,拍了4次) : This is reasonable. : 家庭医生(不是个人诊所,是正规医院的大夫)居然不会看片子, : getting consultants does not mean he/she is not capable of reading CXR : 可恨的是他大概知道自己是二把刀,找了一个他认为是专门看片子的人给确认,结果那 : 个人也看错。 : How did you know the consultant was "wrong"? : 更可恨的是,那个人就‘纠正’了自己的错误,和肺科专家看的还是不一样。 : 最可恨的是儿童肺科专家,胡说八道,要真是肺萎馅,我儿子夏天怎么就没事了?肺粘 : 膜粘连难道还和季节有关?
I think your comments suit yourself very well. why don't you just go ahead to chinesemed board, where you will find more people sharing your opinion toward chinese medicine. If you continue here, you will likely become another "whitecloud".
I need see the patient and give his suitable treatment. If I do not see the patient, I can not give him correct diagnosis. Of course I can not give him correct treatment.
四五个月还是咳嗽,(X光片,拍了4次) This is reasonable.------你有孩子吗?你会给他一个月照一次X光片么?I do have kids. Serial CXR f/u for undiagnosed chronic cough is reasonable. Having kids does not mean you know what you are doing. 家庭医生(不是个人诊所,是正规医院的大夫)居然不会看片子, getting consultants does not mean he/she is not capable of reading CXR -------对不起,这是大夫在我反复追问下,自己说的。No comment. But I doubt it. Looks like you don't know much about the differences between solo practice and group/hospitalist practice. 可恨的是他大概知道自己是二把刀,找了一个他认为是专门看片子的人给确认,结果那 个人也看错。 How did you know the consultant was "wrong"?----这也是他打电话来自己告诉我们 的 No comment. Looks like all of the doctors you have seen had to come to you and confess that you were "right" and they were "wrong". Strongly suggest that you set up your own private practice and/or training doctors so that they can get closer to your level. 更可恨的是,那个人就‘纠正’了自己的错误,和肺科专家看的还是不一样。 最可恨的是儿童肺科专家,胡说八道,要真是肺萎馅,我儿子夏天怎么就没事了?肺粘 膜粘连难道还和季节有关? Atelectasis could be secondary to foreign object in the airway (most common in children), how do you know the pediatric pulmonologist is a jerk? 你怎么解释一个物理现象,冬天就有问题,夏天就没事? No comment. Guess you need to learn how to think. 另外,你要没孩子,也不懂医,这里不是你 “答疑” 的地方。你能说说自己的专业么? Again, having kids doesn't mean you are smart or superior, nor does it mean you are stupid or being a moron. Yet being less combative and judgmental, and more respectful and appreciative will carry you a long way. I don't think my profession has anything to do with this topic, in that I am not making diagnosis or recommend treatments. I hope your son has fully recovered and you don't have to go through stressful time like this again. Thanks.