townhouse offer# Living
1 楼
看中一个townhouse(2005,3b+3b), 在west Los Angeles,forclosed, bank拥有,sold as is,no repair.开始要价约62万。我们请的老美代理一开始就让我们出银行的开价,感觉不为我们着想。我们还价59万,两个来回后,银行答应我们的offer--597,000
However, they are firm on the price even if the appraisal should come in
lower than that figure.
If the appraisal comes in lower you have two choices.
1) make up the difference in cash
2) cancel the transaction
However, they are firm on the price even if the appraisal should come in
lower than that figure.
If the appraisal comes in lower you have two choices.
1) make up the difference in cash
2) cancel the transaction