anxiety over dog poop
anxiety over dog poop# Living
It is unbelievable how much anxiety dog poop can make for a person.
I am helping to take care of Francis, the female dog of my wife's supervisor
's. A few weeks ago my wife has promised her supervisor to look after
Francis during the Thanksgiving. My wife and I just decided to divorce but
there is no time to do it now, besides it is a holiday season, so she is
still living in the same apartment with me. Anyway, I have helped to take
care of Francis for several weeks before, and I like the dog a lot, so I don
't mind to having the dog again even under the current situation.
A constant issue is whether Francis pooped or not. It is such a big thing.
It made me understand why a housewife in the old China always worried about
where the next meal is. Francis poops twice a day. She is very picky about
when and where she poops. If you let her run unleashed for five to ten
minutes, she will find a piece of grass land and poop nicely and happily. If
she is leashed all the day, then..., good luck. Because she is so wild
whenever she gets unleashed, we were both scared to unleash her on a normal
road or in a small park. I once called her a bitch when she ran off on the
road and forced several cars to stop. I said that with a reason. If anyone
combs her for more than a minute, she will lie down in bed and open her legs
just like that (see picture above for example, and it is the readers'
responsibility to judge whether I am serious or not). So we only unleash her
in big dog parks, the closest of which is fifteen minutes away by driving.
Because of all these, there are days, either bad weather or simply not
enough time, when she doesn't get the chance to go to dog parks. Then we are
in deep trouble.
Because we don't have much experience with dogs before, we are always
concerned whether one day when we come home we might find dog poop in the
bed or on the floor. I imagine myself opening the door after work, seeing
her soft, warm poop in my bed, I pull my hairs and say "Oh my God, what did
you do, Francis?" . The dog would only wave her thick tail and look at me
and lick me with innocence. She is a beautiful dog.
Now that my wife is sleeping in her own bed in a separate small room with
Francis, I have less concern for myself. My wife is a very clean person,
what will be her reaction if it happens? Like tonight, Francis didn't poop
and she is going to sleep in her bed. I can't help but wonder, will Francis
poop in her bed?


【在 s**********1 的大作中提到】
: It is unbelievable how much anxiety dog poop can make for a person.
: I am helping to take care of Francis, the female dog of my wife's supervisor
: 's. A few weeks ago my wife has promised her supervisor to look after
: Francis during the Thanksgiving. My wife and I just decided to divorce but
: there is no time to do it now, besides it is a holiday season, so she is
: still living in the same apartment with me. Anyway, I have helped to take
: care of Francis for several weeks before, and I like the dog a lot, so I don
: 't mind to having the dog again even under the current situation.
: A constant issue is whether Francis pooped or not. It is such a big thing.
: It made me understand why a housewife in the old China always worried about

真想说,you deserve what you got!!恭喜你老婆哈~~终于摆脱你了~~~
I am speechless for your lack of sense of humor. ........

【在 s*******i 的大作中提到】
: lz是本人吗?
: 真想说,you deserve what you got!!恭喜你老婆哈~~终于摆脱你了~~~

I am also shocked by your nonsense comments. Please don't tell us that you
had any advanced education. If so, I feel very sad for you since it
apparently didn't change you even a bit. I suggest you to ask for a refund
from whichever university it is.

【在 s*******i 的大作中提到】
: lz是本人吗?
: 真想说,you deserve what you got!!恭喜你老婆哈~~终于摆脱你了~~~



【在 s**********1 的大作中提到】
: It is unbelievable how much anxiety dog poop can make for a person.
: I am helping to take care of Francis, the female dog of my wife's supervisor
: 's. A few weeks ago my wife has promised her supervisor to look after
: Francis during the Thanksgiving. My wife and I just decided to divorce but
: there is no time to do it now, besides it is a holiday season, so she is
: still living in the same apartment with me. Anyway, I have helped to take
: care of Francis for several weeks before, and I like the dog a lot, so I don
: 't mind to having the dog again even under the current situation.
: A constant issue is whether Francis pooped or not. It is such a big thing.
: It made me understand why a housewife in the old China always worried about
