2 楼
petition marriage penalty吧,只求您的一个签名,我们就能把这个漏洞给堵了。具
The current tax code unfairly penalizes dual-income families. Consider two
hypothetical families A and B, where family A has two spouses each making $
100k in taxable income and family B has one spouse making $200k and the
other a stay-at-home-parent. If neither family had legally gotten married
and filed their taxes as individuals, the federal tax liability in 2015 for
family A would be $42,142 and family B would be $49,606. If instead the
couples had legally gotten married, the federal tax liability in 2015 for
both families would be $43,051. This results in a tax penalty of $909 for
family A and a tax benefit of $6,554 for family B. This quirk in the tax
code discourages dual-career couples from getting or remaining married and
reinforces breadwinner-homemaker stereotypes from the 50's.
New York times 上有很好的总结,只要双方攥的差不多,或加起来超过$175k,那么就
会有marriage penalty,,http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/04/16/upshot/marriage-penalty-couples-income.html?_r=0
petition marriage penalty吧,只求您的一个签名,我们就能把这个漏洞给堵了。具
The current tax code unfairly penalizes dual-income families. Consider two
hypothetical families A and B, where family A has two spouses each making $
100k in taxable income and family B has one spouse making $200k and the
other a stay-at-home-parent. If neither family had legally gotten married
and filed their taxes as individuals, the federal tax liability in 2015 for
family A would be $42,142 and family B would be $49,606. If instead the
couples had legally gotten married, the federal tax liability in 2015 for
both families would be $43,051. This results in a tax penalty of $909 for
family A and a tax benefit of $6,554 for family B. This quirk in the tax
code discourages dual-career couples from getting or remaining married and
reinforces breadwinner-homemaker stereotypes from the 50's.
New York times 上有很好的总结,只要双方攥的差不多,或加起来超过$175k,那么就
会有marriage penalty,,http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/04/16/upshot/marriage-penalty-couples-income.html?_r=0
3 楼
! http://www.lowes.com/pd_137789-76219-FYM8119A-5_4294687722__?productId=3204829&Ns=p_product_qty_sales_dollar 还有这个 http://www.homedepot.com/p/t/100459573?productId=100459573&storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&MERCH=REC%2d%5f%2dcategorylevel4Horizontal1%2d2%2d%5f%2dNA%2d%5f%2d100459573%2d%5f%2dN#.UZh1N4y9KK0
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/5/19 2:51:32编辑过]
! http://www.lowes.com/pd_137789-76219-FYM8119A-5_4294687722__?productId=3204829&Ns=p_product_qty_sales_dollar 还有这个 http://www.homedepot.com/p/t/100459573?productId=100459573&storeId=10051&langId=-1&catalogId=10053&MERCH=REC%2d%5f%2dcategorylevel4Horizontal1%2d2%2d%5f%2dNA%2d%5f%2d100459573%2d%5f%2dN#.UZh1N4y9KK0
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/5/19 2:51:32编辑过]
4 楼
【在 o********9 的大作中提到】
: 大家好!你们有经历在报税的时候发现双职工要多交很多税?若你也有同感,请帮忙
: petition marriage penalty吧,只求您的一个签名,我们就能把这个漏洞给堵了。具
: 体链接在此:https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/reform-tax-code-
: eliminate-marriage-penalty-which-disproportionately-hurt-dual-income-
: families赶紧行动起来,争取自己该有的利益吧!
: 内容在此:
: The current tax code unfairly penalizes dual-income families. Consider two
: hypothetical families A and B, where family A has two spouses each making $
: 100k in taxable income and family B has one spouse making $200k and the
【在 o********9 的大作中提到】
: 大家好!你们有经历在报税的时候发现双职工要多交很多税?若你也有同感,请帮忙
: petition marriage penalty吧,只求您的一个签名,我们就能把这个漏洞给堵了。具
: 体链接在此:https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/reform-tax-code-
: eliminate-marriage-penalty-which-disproportionately-hurt-dual-income-
: families赶紧行动起来,争取自己该有的利益吧!
: 内容在此:
: The current tax code unfairly penalizes dual-income families. Consider two
: hypothetical families A and B, where family A has two spouses each making $
: 100k in taxable income and family B has one spouse making $200k and the
5 楼
税法可不是那么容易改的,奥巴马在位快8年了都没改成。你 file tax separately 不
【在 o********9 的大作中提到】
: 大家好!你们有经历在报税的时候发现双职工要多交很多税?若你也有同感,请帮忙
: petition marriage penalty吧,只求您的一个签名,我们就能把这个漏洞给堵了。具
: 体链接在此:https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/reform-tax-code-
: eliminate-marriage-penalty-which-disproportionately-hurt-dual-income-
: families赶紧行动起来,争取自己该有的利益吧!
: 内容在此:
: The current tax code unfairly penalizes dual-income families. Consider two
: hypothetical families A and B, where family A has two spouses each making $
: 100k in taxable income and family B has one spouse making $200k and the
【在 o********9 的大作中提到】
: 大家好!你们有经历在报税的时候发现双职工要多交很多税?若你也有同感,请帮忙
: petition marriage penalty吧,只求您的一个签名,我们就能把这个漏洞给堵了。具
: 体链接在此:https://petitions.whitehouse.gov//petition/reform-tax-code-
: eliminate-marriage-penalty-which-disproportionately-hurt-dual-income-
: families赶紧行动起来,争取自己该有的利益吧!
: 内容在此:
: The current tax code unfairly penalizes dual-income families. Consider two
: hypothetical families A and B, where family A has two spouses each making $
: 100k in taxable income and family B has one spouse making $200k and the
8 楼
回国,打算出租自己的house,马上签lease了,有几个问题!!!请大家推荐一个sander吧求建议,有用过这款抽油烟机的没有,怎么样? (转载)这个landscaping价钱是不是合理?尼玛老中索男中午带饭味道太大了 (转载)今年什么时候去科罗拉多看秋色比较好? (转载)请问这是神马情况? (转载)我家每月30刀的垃圾费真是浪费了。。。。现金买房,title怎么操作?所有修理加起来就1500刀要自己卖房了PVC 管子怎么补?一个fully finished basement在房价上值多少钱?OHIO OPT EAD 房贷这几天终于见证了房价、利率同时下降的局面楼梯的地毯怎么清洗?sand&restain地板会有什么显著效果么?这个电脑桌好看么Sliding window很紧很不顺滑是什么问题?costco有washer/dryer 300 off