Giftletter,网上搜来的模板# Living
Gift letter template 1
This is a normal letter template as used by most lenders. If your lender has
specifically asked for a statutory declaration then please use the 2nd
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: John Smith
I confirm that I am giving my son John Smith an unconditional gift of $50,
000 for him to use to buy a property. This gift is not repayable or
Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to
contact me on 02 0000 0000.
Adam Smith
1 George St Sydney NSW 2000
If you are using us at the Home Loan Experts to arrange your loan then
please both fax and mail the letter to us using the fax number and address
on our contact us page.
Which lenders will accept a gifted deposit? Call us on 1300 889 743 or
enquire online.
Gift letter template 2
Use this letter if your lender has specifically asked for a statutory
declaration to confirm the gifted deposit. Please note that some lenders
such as Suncorp have their own statutory declaration template, if you are
unsure, please call us on 1300 889 743 to discuss.
Statutory Declaration
I/We: Adam Smith
Of: 1 George St Sydney
in the State of New South Wales, do solemnly and sincerely declare as
I will give my son John Smith a total of $50,000 to assist him to purchase a
property. This gift is unconditional, non repayable and non refundable.
And I/we make this solemn declaration conscientiously believing the same to
be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Oaths Act, 1900 (as amended).
Subscribed and declared at Sydney NSW
This 1st day of January 2010
Adam Smith
Before me:
Name: (Name of JP)
Justice of the Peace #: 123456
If you are using us at the Home Loan Experts to arrange your loan then
please both fax and mail the letter to us using the fax number and address
on our contact us page.
Please read our page about gift deposit home loans as only a select few
lenders can accept this type of loan.
Gift letter template 3 – Family loan
In the event that the gift is repayable then this is assessed as a borrowed
deposit by the banks. If you get a loan from a family to help you buy a
property then only a select few banks will consider your application. Please
contact us if you are having trouble finding a lender.
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: John Smith
I confirm that I am advancing a loan to my son John Smith to assist him in
buying a property. The details of this loan are as follows:
◾Loan amount $50,000
◾No interest is payable.
◾Repayments of $1,000 / month
◾The loan will be secured by a caveat behind the loan by ABC bank /
The loan will be unsecured.
Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to
contact me on 02 0000 0000.
Adam Smith
1 George St Sydney NSW 2000
If you are using us at the Home Loan Experts to arrange your loan then
please both fax and mail the letter to us using the fax number and address
on our contact us page.
Which lenders will accept a gifted deposit? Call us on 1300 889 743 or
enquire online.
Gift letter template 4 – Guarantor support
If your parents have decided to use a property they own as additional
security for your loan then we may require a letter from them just
confirming that they understand what you are doing. In particular this is
important if you are consolidating debts while buying a property. This
letter must be signed by all guarantors.
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: John Smith
We are well aware of our son John’s financial position and believe he is
now responsible enough to handle the commitment of buying a property. He has
been paying his current debts on time and is never short of money so we are
happy to help him refinance his debts into the new loan when buying a
Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to
contact me on 02 0000 0000.
Tom & Jane Smith
1 George St Sydney NSW 2000
Bank requirements for gift letters
Australian lenders have strict requirements for letters confirming the
source of a deposit, and will often ask for a letter to be amended if it
does not meet their requirements.
Your gift letter should be:
◾Contain the name of the person who signed the letter
◾Contain the name of the person receiving the gift
◾Confirm the gift amount
◾Confirm that the gift is “unconditional, non repayable and non
Most lenders will accept a faxed copy however some will require your
mortgage broker to hold the original on file.
每个lender的gift letter都不一样, 基本就是填个名字, 关系, 地址. 在申请loan的
时候, 我们会给client准备好.