有房子的都读一下 你做到几点了
有房子的都读一下 你做到几点了# Living
100 Ways to Make Your Home Safer
Andréa Harvey
Andréa Harvey
Researcher & Writer
See all articles
Jan 31, 2018
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In general, your home is a safe place. However, there are always risks. More
than 20,000 people in the US die yearly from accidental injuries that
happen at home, approximately one in every thirty-six homes in the US will
be burglarized this year (that’s one home every 15 seconds), and seven
people die each day in home fires. There are other home related perils like
falls, CO poisoning, and indoor pollution. The good news is that by
incorporating just a few of the tips below, your home can be even safer than
it is now. Sounds easy, right? It really is easy. Most home safety tricks
are really just common sense put into action. There is no singular action or
product that will protect you. Instead, home security is a plan. It’s
multiple pieces working together designed to keep you as safe as possible.
Here are 100 tips to make your home a safer place.
1 – Get an Alarm System
90% of convicted burglars state that they want to avoid homes with an alarm
system and if they encounter an alarm, they would leave. Other statistics
show that 74% of uncompleted burglaries are thanks to an audible alarm.
Alarm systems work. Learn more about the alarms we’ve reviewed here.
2 – Permit Your Alarm
Own an alarm? Make sure it is permitted with your city if required. This
helps the police department and will help you avoid potential fines should
they respond to your unregistered alarm. In some cities operating an alarm
system without a valid permit is a misdemeanor. That means you could face a
hefty fine and even potential time in the county jail.
3 – Add Window Sensors
Window sensors are also known as open/close sensors. When added to a window
or a door, they can alert you if unwanted activity occurs. They can be part
of a home security system or a home automation system. Most systems will
allow you to create cause and effect actions. For example, if your door
opens after midnight sound an alarm or if your door opens while you are away
send you a text. Protecting the perimeter of your home is a great step
toward home security.
4 – Add Glass Break Sensors
Glass break sensors are handy in a room with lots of windows. Let’s pretend
that you are monitoring a room with 13 windows. Each door/window sensor (as
described above) sells for around $40 or $520 total for all 13 windows. On
the other hand, a glass break sensor can monitor the entire room and costs
around $80. A glass break sensor monitors for the specific sound glass makes
when it breaks and is a solid addition to any home security system.
5 – Add a Security Sign
If you aren’t in the market for a full blown security system, a security
sign might be the next best thing. Burglars are looking for easy targets and
the threat of a security system may be enough to detour them. Be sure to
use a legitimate sign, they won’t be fooled by a phony.
6 – Add Security Stickers
More than likely a burglar will start at your door and see your security
sign but there is a chance that he might start at a window. I suggest that
you add security alarm stickers to all first floor windows for added
7 – Add a Security Camera
Security cameras can work with a home security system or they can stand
alone. They work to detour criminals and also to help catch them. Time and
time again, the security camera has helped bring justice to victims of home
8 – Turn Old Cell Phones into Security Cameras
There are lots of free apps that can turn your old phones and tablets into
security cameras. One of my favorites is Camio.
9 – Create a Burglar Decoy
Most burglars don’t want to hang out at your house. They want to get in and
out as soon as possible but they also want a profitable visit. Why not make
this easier on them by creating a decoy box? Fill a box with some cash,
costume jewelry, and maybe a few papers to shove in your sock drawer.
Chances are that a burglar will check the sock drawer in the master bedroom,
grab the box, and go.
10 – There is a Right Way to Answer the Door
Everyone in your house should know the right and the wrong way to answer the
door…especially children. Children should not answer the door at all
unless you’ve explicitly told them that you are expecting company. Often,
it’s people that we know that can be dangerous. I could point to many
recent news articles but I want to keep this article as light as possible.
If you don’t know who is at the door, let them know that you ARE home but
not accepting visitors. It’s better to be safe than polite.
11 – Add a Door Brace
A door brace is a highly underutilized home security device. It is usually
bolted to the floor behind an entry door. When in the locked position, it
can help a door sustain several hundred pounds of blunt force. Think someone
will kick down your door with a door brace in place? Think again.
12 – Got a Lock? Use It.
Around 30% of burglaries are no forced entry. Do you know what that means?
That means that someone left the door open! It may seem simple but you have
to actually do it for it to work. Locking your doors and your windows will
definitely improve your home’s security.
13 – Don’t Put a Picture of Your Key on Facebook
In another article I explained how it’s done, “Hop on a website, take a
couple of pictures of your house key, pay $7, submit your email address, and
you can order a spare set of keys over the internet.” Putting a picture of
your key on the internet is like handing over the key to potential
intruders thanks to this new technology.
14 – Secure Sliding Doors
A sliding glass door will take more than a lock as by nature they aren’t
overly secure. You can secure a sliding glass door from sliding vertically
by using a metal or wood rod to reinforce the door. Another good tip is to
add a jimmy plate. A jimmy plate will prevent a burglar from being able to
lift the door off of its tracks.
15 – Reinforce Door Jambs
A sliding glass door may be weak but surprisingly, front doors can be weak
too. In general the weakest points on a door are the lock, jamb, and the
hinges. For this reason we suggest reinforcing all three points with a
product like EZ Armor.
16 – Add a Peephole
Most police departments suggest the addition of the all mighty peephole and
I tend to agree. It’s a $25 piece of home security gold. A good peephole
will provide a wide-angle view at your future guests so that you can decide
to let them in…or not.
17 – Don’t Rely on Chain Locks
A chain lock is definitely your grandma’s home security. While they are
somewhat useful for privacy, a peephole is a safer option. Please don’t
rely on chain locks for security. They just don’t work.
18 – Install a Deadbolt
A deadbolt can help secure your home. I recommend that you install a single
cylinder deadbolt on all exterior doors. It is recommended that bolts have
at least a 1” throw.
19 – Consider Installing a Safety Door
I love a good screen door. I really do. But they are just not functional
from a security perspective. A good alternative is a safety door like the
Secure Elegance from Lowes. I had this door at my old house and plan to
install one where I live now. You can beat it with a baseball bat and it
will hold thanks to KeepSafe Glass®. At the same time you can still
enjoy the sun on a beautiful day! I do recommend having this door
professionally installed. Lowes can hook you up.
20 – Use Window Film
Front doors with side pane glass are tricky. They are pretty, hard to
replace, but add an additional home security complication. One of those
complications is privacy. At night, you can see right through these windows.
While it’s good that you can see other people, it’s bad that they can see
you. For just a few dollars you can add decorative window film to solve the
21 – Shut Your Blinds at Night
Lights on? Dark outside? Keep your blinds shut. You would be surprised by
how many burglars take advantage of that key time of night when they can see
straight into your home.
22 – Make Porch Lights Automagical
At night, a peephole may not do the trick. My suggestion is to add automated
porch lights. What that means is up to your interpretation. You could add
motion based lights or you could setup a system that allows you to turn on
your lights at sunset and off at sunrise. Yes, this is a thing.
23 – Light Up the Dark
Yes, we’ve already mentioned porch lights but I’m talking about moving
beyond porch lights. Lighting up your backyard with motion lights may be
enough to scare away intruders. Also, make sure all exterior areas of your
home that could be used as a point of entry are well-lit.
24 – Trick People with Light Automation
Light automation is a great way to make your home look lived in. In fact,
companies like BeON have based their entire home security model around light
automation that mimics your at-home behavior. Other home automation
companies allow you to create custom schedules or even behaviors like turn
on lights if motion is detected or turn off lights when I’m not at home.
25 – Trick People with Noise
Former burglars have divulged that they abandoned an attempted burglary
after hearing a TV or other sound. Why not try to trick them by simulating
the same? There are inexpensive products on Amazon that mimic the lights of
a television or you could even give your home a voice using products like
26- Invest in a Smart Doorbell
Smart doorbells can act as your eyes and ears. When someone rings your
doorbell, you can use the equipment to visually confirm who is at the door
from your smartphone. Some products also feature two-way communication which
is especially handy when you are not at home but want to appear that you
27 – SHUT THE Garage Door
Next to a door, the garage is the second most common point of entry for a
burglar. Simply keeping the door shut while mowing, playing outside, or even
running in to grab a forgotten item can greatly improve your home’s
security. An open door is an open invitation. Just make sure that it’s an
invitation you want to extend.
28 – Lock the Linking Door
If you have an attached garage, lock the door between your house and the
garage. So many people leave this door unlocked and yet it’s an entry to
your home just like any other. It doesn’t take that much time to lock and
unlock the door, you could even add an automated lock that will unlock as
you approach with your smartphone in pocket.
29 – Don’t Leave Openers in the Car
If you do own an attached garage but it’s so packed with junk that you can
’t use it, do not leave your car in the driveway with the garage door
opener in it. Cars are easy to break into and once that happens you’ve put
your home security at risk by leaving a key to your home in the car.
30 – Change Your Locks
It may be time to change your locks unless you know everyone that has ever
had a key to your home. This applies to renters who should demand a new lock
from their landlord and also to homeowners. Another option is the keyless
lock. Smart locks are a good option as you can give out temporary keys to
workers and keep track of who is coming and who is going.
31 – Double Check When Workers Leave
If you let workers like a cleaning crew into your home, check all doors and
windows to make sure they are locked after they leave. Many previous
burglars admit that they first gained entry into a home as an invited guest.
It would be nothing for a worker to leave a door or window unlocked for
easy entry into your home later on.
32 – Learn CPR
Knowing how to properly perform CPR saves lives. Period. Wondering in what
situations you should and should not perform CPR? When I took the class I
was taught that when in doubt, perform CPR. If CPR is not performed, it
takes three to four minutes for a person to become brain-dead due to a lack
of oxygen. Learn how to perform CPR and the Heimlich. Please.
33 – Make a Free Panic Button
IFTTT is a free app that connects different web services. They’ve also
created the ability to make a “DO button” which makes a great panic button
. You can set up the DO button to perform a one touch action like call for
help, post to social media, or whatever it takes to keep you safe.
34 – You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out
BB guns and pellet guns are not toys and should be treated with the respect
of a weapon. Keep them in secure storage and supervise use to help reduce
the risk of injury. The use of such weapons leads to almost 22,000 injuries
each year.
35 – Get a Weapon
The most important part of owning a weapon is keeping it in a secure place
away from children. The second most important part is learning how to use it
and by practicing every few months. More than likely you will never need to
use a weapon but in the event of a home invasion, a weapon may be your best
36 – Tornado Preparedness
Preparing for disasters may seem a little paranoid but it’s smart.
Disasters can strike in an instant. One way we suggest preparing is by
creating a tornado safe room. This room should be window free and stocked
with emergency supplies like food, water, medication, and an emergency radio.
37 – Add Bike Helmets to Your Storm Room
If you live in a tornado prone area, keep bike helmets in your safe place to
protect those pretty cabezas.
38 – Setup Free Weather Alerts
Many companies offer free severe weather alerts that can be sent straight to
your phone. Also, many local cities and counties have emergency services
that will text you if local emergencies occur. I suggest that you sign up
for both so that you can stay ahead of the game.
39 – Join Your Neighborhood Watch
Join the neighborhood watch or start your own. There is nothing like
neighbors looking out for neighbors. Many neighbors now have their own
Facebook page which can also be used to voice safety concerns or suspicious
40 – Automate Your Neighborhood Watch
Through IFTTT, a free app that connects web services, you can automate your
home to alert your neighbors. Calling the police is great but if you live in
suburbia you might have more luck asking all your noisy amazing neighbors
to check on your place. For example, let’s say that you are using
SmartThings door and window sensors and you are on vacation. You can set up
an IF recipe that says, “If front door is opened, post to Facebook”. Yup.
You’re place would be safe.
41 – Check with your Local PD
Find out if your local police department offers free home security checks
and take advantage of the service. Many police departments will provide a
survey or an assessment with suggestions for security improvements. Some PDs
offer free vacation checks in which they will stop by to check on your home
while you are on vacation. These are all free services that we should use.
42 – Medical Safety Devices for Older Family Members
If you live with a grandparent or help care for an older loved one, it’s
wise to invest in a medical safety device. Medical Safety devices are
different from home security systems and the two technologies are not
interchangeable. Medical Safety systems often include wearable panic buttons
that are with the person 24/7. If a fall or emergency occurs, that person
can use the wearable to call for help.
43 – Keep an Emergency Supply of Water
Water is needed for survival. I would say it is more important than food.
With that said, you should always be prepared for the worst case scenario.
It is recommended that you store at least one gallon of water per person for
three days.
44 – Keep an Emergency Supply of Food
You should also keep a four day supply of food handy. I like to stock things
like Cliff Bars and bean soups which are calorie packed and store for a
long time. If you have a baby you should also keep prepared baby food on
45 – Keep an Emergency Radio Handy
Radios may be obsolete technology but they can still come in handy during an
emergency. Invest in a battery operated or hand cranked AM/FM radio. Also
consider investing in a NOAA radio. This will help you stay up-to-date on
hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and more.
46 – Aspirin for Heart Attacks
I am not a doctor but a drug that I think most should have on hand is
Aspirin. If someone has a heart attack you should call 911 and then bring
them aspirin and water. Chewed aspirin works faster than a swallowed pill
and is what I suggest for your emergency medicine cabinet.
47 – Keep a First Aid Kit Handy
Pretty straight forward right? Also, some items in a First Aid kit do expire
. If you own one it may be worth looking through to see if certain items
need to be replaced.
48 – Put Up Your Numbers
Make sure your street address number is visible from the street during the
day and at night. Should you need help in an emergency, this will aid
emergency responders who want to find you quickly. The faster they find your
house, the faster you get help and in an emergency every second counts.
49 – Signup for Smart911
Smart911 is a free service used by select 911 agencies. Through Smart911 you
can set up a family profile with pictures of each family member,
information about the family member, medical information like drug allergies
, pet information, and pictures. In the event of an emergency the
information you put into the tool will be shared with emergency responders.
50 – Setup Family Watchdog
Another free online service is called Family Watchdog. This website is
geared more toward tracking sex offenders. You can also use the service to
sign up for free alerts to keep updated as sex offenders move into or out of
your area.
51 – Use Discretion on Social Media
Do you really need 1000 friends? Let me ask it this way…do you really want
1000 people to know everything about you? At the very least, do not let the
social media world know that you are on vacation for two weeks while your
house sits vacant.
52 – Use GFCI Outlets
About 200 people in the US die of ground faults each year and that is
exactly what a GFCI outlet tries to prevent. GFCIs are required by code in
certain rooms. If you own a newer home you’ve probably noticed them in your
kitchen and bathroom or areas that are prone to moisture like a crawl space
. If you have an older home you can add a GFCI receptacle for about $10 and
it’s a worthy investment.
53 – Invest in Safety Gloves
If you like to slice and dice you should invest in no cut safety gloves,
which can be found on Amazon. There’s nothing like a little slice to the
finger – YIKES!
54 – Perform a Radon Gas Test
Radon gas is the second leading cause of lung cancer. It may be in your home
and you don’t even know it! The only way to know for sure is to test your
home. The EPA and the Surgeon General both recommend testing for all homes
and also 1st or 2nd floor apartments. You can buy a radon gas test from
55 – Lock The Unusual
Locking the front door seems pretty brainless but most people do not think
to lock things like gates, sheds, and garages which can be susceptible to a
quick grab and run. I suggest investing in a good lock for all three items
or even adding an outdoor video camera to keep an eye on things.
56 – Lock Up Your Drugs and Weapons
I hope this one is common sense but just in case…if you are using
medication or own weapons please keep them locked up.
57 – Sometimes Poison Looks Like Food
Keep household cleaners and medications out of the kitchen and away from
food. Cough drops look like candy, pills look like candy, shaving cream
looks like whip cream! It can be a confusing decision for a kid so it’s
best to make that decision for them by keeping poisonous products out of
58 – Add Sensors to Monitor Locked Up Things
To that point, an open and close sensor can be used to help you monitor
things that should be locked up. An open and close sensor can send an alert
if someone sneaks into the liquor cabinet or the gun safe. You can event
setup alerts on your phone without paying a monthly fee.
59 – Add Flood or Freeze Sensors
Another danger to the home is flooding or frozen pipes. You can help manage
this through home automation. Freeze sensors and flood sensors can be placed
to monitor for temperature and or water. If an event is detected you will
receive a notification so that you can help mitigate the problem before
things get out of hand.
60 – Scrub-A-Dub-Dub Stay Safe in the Tub
If you have kids there are two times that it might be tempting to take a
break: bath time and snack time. Though they seem self-entertained during
these times, kids are not self-sufficient enough to self-supervise. Things
can go from good to bad quickly in both of these situations due to the
danger of drowning and choking.
61 – Add Slip-Resistant Mats to the Bath
I know they are ugly and may remind you of your great-grandmother but adding
slip-resistant mats inside and outside of the bathtub or shower can greatly
reduce the chance of a fall for you and others in your house.
62 – Indoor Hot Water Shouldn’t Burn
Did you know that you can adjust the temperature of your water? Setting the
water heater thermostat to a temperature below 120°F will reduce the risk
of burns and scalding.
63 – Install Bathroom Grab Bars
Bathroom handholds inside of the bathtub or shower are important for the
older generation. Falls are a common cause of death for older people and the
bathroom can be a slippery place.
64 – Cellphones Chargers May Choke Kiddos
Cords are dangerous for little ones. Most people think about the major cords
like those on window blinds but phone chargers and laptop chargers can be
an after thought. These cords are dangerous too and should be kept off of
the ground.
65 – Keep Charged Cellphones Around
You may want to consider keeping your charging or charged cell phone near
your bed. In fact, it’s not a bad idea to keep multiple charged cell phones
around the house. Why? So you can call for help if you need it. Pretty
66 – Cover Those Outlets
Plugging up electrical outlets is pretty much common sense at this point.
However, it’s time to kick it up. Old school covers are hard to use and can
turn into potential choking hazards as they require that you remove them
when ready to plug something into an outlet. A better option? Using a
sliding cover. Sliding covers remain plugged into the outlet all the time.
They are easier to use and keep small parts out of the house.
67 – Watch Out for the Stairs
In the US, every 6 minutes a child visits the ER due to a stair fall related
injury. The problem is real. The best way to keep kids safe is by using a
stair gate. Stats thanks to the Center for Injury Research and Policy. For
the older generation, the best way to prevent falls is to make sure the
stairway is well-lit and that carpet is pulled tight. While you’re at it
make sure that path to the restroom is safe as well.
68 – TVs Are Dangerous Too
Wall-mounted TVs look good and they are safer than setting a TV on a stand.
Securing your television to the wall reduces the possibility that it might
be grabbed by little hands.
69 – Take Home Maintenance Seriously
Don’t let the projects pile up. Some home maintenance issues can be safety
issues. Think carpet that no longer lies flat (tripping hazard), smoke
alarms with old batteries (fire hazard), burnt out light bulbs (safety issue
), mold (health issue), and other things that we’ve already covered like
overgrown bushes. Keeping your home in tip top shape will make it a safer
place to be.
70 – Add a Safe
Valuables like birth certificates and passports should be kept in a
fireproof safe that is bolted to the floor. If it’s not bolted down there
is a good chance that a burglar may grab it and take it even if they don’t
know the contents.
71 – Create a Home Inventory
A home inventory is recommended by multiple home insurance agencies. The
finished list can be kept in your fire proof safe or in the cloud so that is
safe and separated from your home just in case.
72 – Invest in an Etching Pen
There are multiple ways to mark property. I’ve always found the notion a
bit odd but marking outdoor equipment and things that are more likely to get
stolen might prevent a thief from selling your goods on the open market. An
etching pen is used to literally mark or engrave a unique identifier onto
the property.
73 – Teach Internet Safety
A computer is a window to the outside world which makes it a potential
safety hazard in your home. If you have children, teach them how to properly
use the internet this includes avoiding weirdos and avoiding fishing scams
and pop-ups. In general, children should also be reminded that offers for
free anything on the internet should not be trusted and that they should
never give out personal information.
74 – Secure Your Wireless Network
You wouldn’t leave your door unlocked and open would you? So why would you
leave your wireless network open? Burglars come through the front door and
hackers through unsecured wireless networks. Hackers can be just as
destructive as burglars as they can steal credit card information, bank
information, and more. Setup a strong username and password and follow tips
by home network experts.
75 – Smart Home? Use Smart Passwords
The same goes with smart home gadgets. Just because you can plug and play
doesn’t mean you should. Make sure you choose challenging passwords for
your smart home devices and rotate them. Using a secure wireless network and
a strong password protected device will minimize your risk of a hacked home.
76 – Use a Password Vault
Who doesn’t love a good online shopping spree? Can you imagine how many
passwords you have online? One for email, Amazon, your bank, your mortgage,
your kid’s lunch account, your blog, your favorite pizza restaurant. It’s
ridiculous really but would be even more ridiculous if you used the same
password for each site. A better solution is to use an online password vault
like LastPass or KeePass. These tools can help you generate strong and
unique passwords and also store them in a master vault.
77 – Invest in Surge Protectors
Surge protectors protect your electronic devices from surges of electricity
like those caused by lightning strikes. These surges can literally fry your
electronics causing thousands of dollars worth of damage.
78 – Check with the Local Fire Department
Not be outdone by the police, local fire departments often provide free
services to homeowners including fire safety checks and even free smoke
alarm programs.
79 – Don’t Hot Box the House
Is hot boxing only for marijuana? I’m not really sure but in this case I
mean anything that smokes. For heaven’s sake, if you are going to smoke,
smoke outside! Not only is this a health issue but it’s a fire hazard as
well. The United States Fire Administration says that smoking is the leading
cause of home fires with over 7,600 smoking related fires each year.
80 – Blow Out the Candle
Candles are cool but leaving them burning unattended is a fire hazard. If
you can’t stand to sit still long enough to babysit a candle you may want
to swap out candles for something that doesn’t need babysitting like
essential oils.
81 – Fire! Close the Door!
According to fire expert Gary Watlington, it’s not the flames that kill
people in home fires, it’s the smoke or asphyxiation. If there is a fire in
your home, close the door. This might save your stuff but will also help
potentially save your life.
82 – Buy a Fire Ladder
If you own a two-story home, please invest in a fire ladder (available on
Amazon). Today’s homes have these beautiful open air floor plans and lots
of stuff which also makes them burn faster. When a fire occurs, you have
very little time to escape and a fire ladder can literally be a life saver.
83 – Sprinkler Systems Save Lives
The NFPA found that fire sprinklers reduced the risk of fire related deaths
by 83%. If you own a sprinkler system keep it turned on, even during the
winter. The risk of frozen pipes should not outweigh the fact that a
sprinkler system might save your life.
84 – Smoke Alarms Save Lives
The NFPA says that 60% of all home fire deaths were in homes without smoke
alarms or in a home where there was a smoke alarm that didn’t work. Adding
a smoke alarm to each floor of your home and in every bedroom is an easy way
to keep your family safe.
85 – Get the RIGHT KIND of Smoke Alarm
There is a right and wrong kind of smoke alarm. Fire Chiefs everywhere are
asking for a recall on ionization smoke alarms suggesting that it does not
detect the type of fire most likely to kill people. What should you buy
instead? Photoelectric technology. Period.
86 – Add a CO Detector
Some smoke alarms are smoke/CO combos but if your smoke alarm cannot detect
Carbon Monoxide (CO), you should add a separate detector. CO is a silent
killer and at the very least can may you feel terrible.
87 – Add a Heat Sensor or a Connected Smoke Alarm
We’ve talked about adding a smoke alarm and adding the RIGHT smoke alarm
and they are in the correct order of importance. If you want to take it to
another level, add a connected smoke alarm or a heat sensor. Heat sensors
can be set to detect rapid increases in heat like in the event of a fire and
because they are connected you can set up alerts. Alerts can be sent to
your phone or to your email depending upon the type of system you have. If
you have a monitored system, alerts can also be sent to a central monitoring
agency who will call for help on your behalf. This can be handy if you want
to keep an eye on things even when you are not at home.
88 – Invest in a Fire Extinguisher
In my opinion, fire extinguishers are best for small kitchen fires. It is
wise to invest in one but even wiser to learn how and when to actually use
one. In the event of a fire you should first evacuate your family, then you
can try to use a fire extinguisher to take out a small fire but only if you
’ve read up on the ins and outs of using one.
89 – Space Heater Safety
Space heaters are another fire hazard. A good space heater should have built
-in safety features like tip over protection. Also, you should never leave a
space heater running unattended and it should be in an area free of debris.
90 – Don’t Multi-Task While Cooking
You’re busy. I get it. You have fried chicken on the stove, laundry in the
dryer, you’re helping your kids with homework, and your boss is texting you
about the meeting tomorrow. As awesome as it is that you can multi-task,
kitchen fires are more common than you might think. One way to keep your
family safer is to never leave food on the stove-top unattended. This is
especially important if you have little hands around that are long enough to
reach up and pull down.
91 – Use a Fireplace Screen
If you are lucky enough to have a wood burning fireplace, a fireplace screen
can be an important safety investment. Keep a screen in front of open
fireplaces. A screen can help prevent sparks from getting on the floor (
potential fire hazard) and also keep little hands away from the hot fire (
burning hazard).
92 – Add Mulch to Your Swing Set
If you own a swing set or other outdoor play equipment, you should consider
adding 12” of wood chips or mulch to create a soft layer that may help
lessen the blow of falls.
93 – Grill Safety
Grills are another potential fire hazard. They should never be used in
apartment buildings or on balconies. The best spot to use a grill is on a
concrete patio type surface that is at least 10 feet away from other
flammables including landscaping and your house.
94 – Lawnmowers Throw Sticks and Stones…
A beautiful day, kids on the lawn, fresh cut grass… Sounds like the
American dream doesn’t it? Pretty much but make sure that grass is cut
before the kiddos come out. Mowing your lawn while the kids are out playing
is dangerous. The lawnmower can throw rocks and sticks. Be careful! You’ll
poke your eye out.
95 – Pools Are Cool But
Drowning is a real and present danger for all but especially children. Even
if you don’t have children it’s wise to be part of the solution. The best
solution is to install a four sided fence that is at least four feet high.
Installing a four-sided fence reduces a child’s risk of drowning by 83%
compared to using a three sided fence.
96 – Fence in Your Yard
To that point, go ahead and fence in the whole yard. A solid fence with a
good side-yard gate can help keep out unwanted intruders. Also, make sure to
invest in a gate that locks and keep it locked.
97 – Clean Up Your Landscaping
Don’t give a burglar a place to hide. Clean up overgrown landscaping and
keep bushes trim. While you’re at it, keep your walkways picked up as well.
This isn’t so much for burglars but for you! You don’t want to create a
tripping hazard for you or your guests by cluttering up walkways.
98 – Plant Landscaping with Safety in Mind
Another good tip is to plant thorned plants near windows. My mother had a
massive rose bush below my window when I was a little girl. I’m not sure if
that was because of my name, to keep bad guys out, or to keep me in…..
99 – Don’t Supply Burglars With Tools
Keep things like ladders and tools picked up and put away. You do not want
to provide burglars with the tools they need to break into your home.
100 – The Best Defense
The best defense is don’t be there. Don’t be in your home. Totally kidding
of course. What I mean is don’t associate yourself with people or
situations that might come back to haunt you. Live a clean life. Don’t get
messed up with drugs, drama, or crime. That’s easy to control in your own
life but remember that this also applies to people that you associate with.
养只狗 需要多少时间精力 钱

【在 s**********o 的大作中提到】
: 洋洋洒洒的那么长,花钱花钱花钱,花时间
: 其实养只狗,一切问题可解,小偷最怕狗叫


居然读了5条 在现代社会非常不容易了 我住的区还好 我读完了

【在 l****g 的大作中提到】
: 这个文章我刚刚读过,前面5条读了,太长了。读后感就是房主还是搬家比较好。
每个人都像你这么认真世界就有希望了 热泪盈眶

【在 P***5 的大作中提到】
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【在 f******o 的大作中提到】
: 养只狗 需要多少时间精力 钱

【在 s**********o 的大作中提到】
: 养狗比养孩子强啊,你每天回家,狗狗笑脸相迎
: 老婆孩子,苦脸相迎,爱答不理,养个爱你的狗狗,
: 比投资那些成年的人TOYS强一百倍。
