治牙的词汇中文译名# Medicine - 求医问药
1 楼
Prophylaxis 洗牙 (usually just say prophy)
deep clean 龈下刮治 (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻)
local/general anesthesia 局/全麻
gingivatis 牙龈炎 (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps)
tartar 牙石
dental hygienist 洗牙师 (do the above thing)
cavity 龋齿
root canal therapy (RCT)根管治疗 (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve)
crown 牙套 (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart)
filling 补料 (resin/composite树脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨)
endodontist 内科牙医 (do the above thing)
deep clean 龈下刮治 (deeper than prophy, sometimes need 局麻)
local/general anesthesia 局/全麻
gingivatis 牙龈炎 (need to improve oral hygiene, deep clean helps)
tartar 牙石
dental hygienist 洗牙师 (do the above thing)
cavity 龋齿
root canal therapy (RCT)根管治疗 (very bad cavity, need to kill the nerve)
crown 牙套 (often needed after RCT to prevent tooth from falling apart)
filling 补料 (resin/composite树脂-tooth color, mercury汞-black but 耐磨)
endodontist 内科牙医 (do the above thing)