Re: 今天去看医生了Re: 求救: 乳房内有肿块!# Medicine - 求医问药
1 楼
As a researcher in this area, there is one thing I have to share with you.
Researchers have always wondered whether early detection helps in the treatment
of breast and ovarian cancer(so far, just the 2 I know of).
1. Since the prevail of mamogram, more and more tumors have been detected,
however, the 5 year survival rate remained the same despite the early detection.
2. It was found that early stage breast cancers are different. Some are bound
to spread to other tissue, while others might never
Researchers have always wondered whether early detection helps in the treatment
of breast and ovarian cancer(so far, just the 2 I know of).
1. Since the prevail of mamogram, more and more tumors have been detected,
however, the 5 year survival rate remained the same despite the early detection.
2. It was found that early stage breast cancers are different. Some are bound
to spread to other tissue, while others might never