信用卡多久还款才high balance# Money - 海外理财
1 楼
Louise Lucas, A Market for Local Sourcing; For milk producers in China,
managing the supply chain can mean helping farmers do their job better--or
buying a farm.
(1) Excerpt in the window of print: 'Whatever we reduce in input costs is
success for me because it takes pressure off the farmer and he grows faster'
(2) Quote:
"China presents particular logistical challenges. Scale is one: farms mostly
tend to be small, a legacy of the communist policy of parcelling out little
-but-equal plots. Farming skills and technology are often outdated. * * *
The world’s biggest food group [Nestlé] realised that the combination of
small farms and dubious safety was a toxic one, and set about creating its
own supply chain. * * * That control sees milk pass from udder to factory in
a matter of hours, virtually all under the eye of the multinational.
"farms with fewer than 20 cows accounted for 57 per cent of Chinese milk
production in 2008, according to Citigroup. Large-scale farms, with more
than 1,000 cows, supply just 7 per cent of the total, compared with nearly
half in the US. The fragmented nature of Chinese small dairy farms explains
Nestlé’s milk collection stations
(3) Note:
(a) "The Company was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé in Vevey, Switzerland,
where our headquarters are still located today."
About us. Nestlé website.
(i) History
A trained pharmacist "Henri Nestlé's search for a healthy, economical
alternative to breastfeeding for mothers who could not feed their infants at
the breast.
"Henri Nestlé also showed early understanding of the power of branding. He
had adopted his own coat of arms as a trademark; in his German dialect,
Nestlé means 'little nest'.
"In 1875 Vevey resident Daniel Peter figured out how to combine milk and
cocoa powder to create milk chocolate. Peter, a friend and neighbor of Henri
Nestlé, started a company that quickly became the world's leading maker of
chocolate and later merged with Nestlé.
(ii) Vevey
(a town in Switzerland; on the north shore of Lake Geneva, not far from
Lausanne; part of the French-speaking area of Switzerland)
(b) Shuangcheng 黑龙江省哈尔滨市 双城市
(c) conurbation (n; com- + Latin urb-, city; First Known Use: 1915):
"an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities"
(d) belt and braces
(i) brace (n): "plural : SUSPENDERS"
Both definitions are from www.m-w.com.
(ii) suspenders
(Suspenders (American English) or braces (British English) are fabric or
leather straps worn over the shoulders to hold up trousers)
managing the supply chain can mean helping farmers do their job better--or
buying a farm.
(1) Excerpt in the window of print: 'Whatever we reduce in input costs is
success for me because it takes pressure off the farmer and he grows faster'
(2) Quote:
"China presents particular logistical challenges. Scale is one: farms mostly
tend to be small, a legacy of the communist policy of parcelling out little
-but-equal plots. Farming skills and technology are often outdated. * * *
The world’s biggest food group [Nestlé] realised that the combination of
small farms and dubious safety was a toxic one, and set about creating its
own supply chain. * * * That control sees milk pass from udder to factory in
a matter of hours, virtually all under the eye of the multinational.
"farms with fewer than 20 cows accounted for 57 per cent of Chinese milk
production in 2008, according to Citigroup. Large-scale farms, with more
than 1,000 cows, supply just 7 per cent of the total, compared with nearly
half in the US. The fragmented nature of Chinese small dairy farms explains
Nestlé’s milk collection stations
(3) Note:
(a) "The Company was founded in 1866 by Henri Nestlé in Vevey, Switzerland,
where our headquarters are still located today."
About us. Nestlé website.
(i) History
A trained pharmacist "Henri Nestlé's search for a healthy, economical
alternative to breastfeeding for mothers who could not feed their infants at
the breast.
"Henri Nestlé also showed early understanding of the power of branding. He
had adopted his own coat of arms as a trademark; in his German dialect,
Nestlé means 'little nest'.
"In 1875 Vevey resident Daniel Peter figured out how to combine milk and
cocoa powder to create milk chocolate. Peter, a friend and neighbor of Henri
Nestlé, started a company that quickly became the world's leading maker of
chocolate and later merged with Nestlé.
(ii) Vevey
(a town in Switzerland; on the north shore of Lake Geneva, not far from
Lausanne; part of the French-speaking area of Switzerland)
(b) Shuangcheng 黑龙江省哈尔滨市 双城市
(c) conurbation (n; com- + Latin urb-, city; First Known Use: 1915):
"an aggregation or continuous network of urban communities"
(d) belt and braces
(i) brace (n): "plural : SUSPENDERS"
Both definitions are from www.m-w.com.
(ii) suspenders
(Suspenders (American English) or braces (British English) are fabric or
leather straps worn over the shoulders to hold up trousers)