支票本单页250张$4 / 复页200张$5
支票本单页250张$4 / 复页200张$5# Money - 海外理财
Dear ***,
I regret to inform you that your application was not selected for funding...
As stated in our FY2015 Funding Plan at *** “Final award decisions reflect
considerations of program relevance, portfolio balance, recommendations of
the Board of Regents, and availability of funds.” Thus, although your
application received a fundable score, it was not selected based on the
other selection criteria.
Please let me know if you have any question.
Junior faculty第一次申请就遇到这种情况,我的分数比他们列在网上的fundable
score还低4分,苦苦等待之后,竟然是这样的结果。各位资深faculty, 有何建议啊!
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that's unfortunate. Are you ESI/NI?


【在 e***n 的大作中提到】
: Dear ***,
: I regret to inform you that your application was not selected for funding...
: As stated in our FY2015 Funding Plan at *** “Final award decisions reflect
: considerations of program relevance, portfolio balance, recommendations of
: the Board of Regents, and availability of funds.” Thus, although your
: application received a fundable score, it was not selected based on the
: other selection criteria.
: Please let me know if you have any question.
: Junior faculty第一次申请就遇到这种情况,我的分数比他们列在网上的fundable
: score还低4分,苦苦等待之后,竟然是这样的结果。各位资深faculty, 有何建议啊!


【在 f*******7 的大作中提到】
: that's unfortunate. Are you ESI/NI?
: ..
: reflect
: of

NIH PO一般都会告诉你下一步该怎么办。
Which institute? Some institutes only provide the 'averaged' funding line.In
those cases, POs have the power to decide which one to fund. You need to
talk to your PO and see what's his/her suggestions (it's their job). Perhaps
the PO just wants you to address some issues and resubmit, since it's only
your first submission.


【在 e***n 的大作中提到】
: Dear ***,
: I regret to inform you that your application was not selected for funding...
: As stated in our FY2015 Funding Plan at *** “Final award decisions reflect
: considerations of program relevance, portfolio balance, recommendations of
: the Board of Regents, and availability of funds.” Thus, although your
: application received a fundable score, it was not selected based on the
: other selection criteria.
: Please let me know if you have any question.
: Junior faculty第一次申请就遇到这种情况,我的分数比他们列在网上的fundable
: score还低4分,苦苦等待之后,竟然是这样的结果。各位资深faculty, 有何建议啊!

Not sure your definition of "fundable score" here (maybe other faculties can
also comment on this).
In NIH, if your score is within funding percentile, your grant should be
automatically funded (unless there are unpredictable events, such as
sequestration, economic crisis. However, recently the financial environment
is pretty stable), which is the reason why people often say program officers
at NIH have less power than those from NSF, because at NIH most funded
proposals are set by the funding percentile.
For example, at NCI if you get score within 9%, you should get funding this
year. Beyond 9% (say you have 11%) PO may or may not select your funding. I
guess your score is not within the funding percentile usually we are talking
about (though it could be a very good score). If you can reveal the
institution you are submitting and the percentile you received, faculties
here may be able to help you better.


【在 e***n 的大作中提到】
: Dear ***,
: I regret to inform you that your application was not selected for funding...
: As stated in our FY2015 Funding Plan at *** “Final award decisions reflect
: considerations of program relevance, portfolio balance, recommendations of
: the Board of Regents, and availability of funds.” Thus, although your
: application received a fundable score, it was not selected based on the
: other selection criteria.
: Please let me know if you have any question.
: Junior faculty第一次申请就遇到这种情况,我的分数比他们列在网上的fundable
: score还低4分,苦苦等待之后,竟然是这样的结果。各位资深faculty, 有何建议啊!

多谢你详细的回复。我投的是一个很小的institute, National Library of Medicine.
Fundable Range: NLM uses the overall Impact Score as the primary basis for
award decisions on all grant types, along with innovation and potential
impact. Generally, speaking, for experienced investigators, applications
with Impact scores 30 or better are the most likely to be funded. For Early
Stage Investigators and New Investigators seeking their first R01 research
grant, applications with Impact scores of 35 or better will be considered
for funding. For K01 applications, K99/R00 applications, those with Impact
scores of 33 or better will be considered for funding. For F30/F31 NRSA
Fellowship applications, those with Impact Scores of 30 or better will be
considered for funding. Fundable ranges may be set for other specific grant
types at a later date. All grant awards are subject to the availability of
funds. NLM attempts to support early stage and new investigators on R01
equivalent grants at rates comparable to those of established investigators
submitting new applications, per NIH policies outlined in


【在 l****y 的大作中提到】
: Not sure your definition of "fundable score" here (maybe other faculties can
: also comment on this).
: In NIH, if your score is within funding percentile, your grant should be
: automatically funded (unless there are unpredictable events, such as
: sequestration, economic crisis. However, recently the financial environment
: is pretty stable), which is the reason why people often say program officers
: at NIH have less power than those from NSF, because at NIH most funded
: proposals are set by the funding percentile.
: For example, at NCI if you get score within 9%, you should get funding this
: year. Beyond 9% (say you have 11%) PO may or may not select your funding. I

Probably most people here do not have experience with this institute.


【在 e***n 的大作中提到】
: 多谢你详细的回复。我投的是一个很小的institute, National Library of Medicine.
: 以下是他们的官方解释。我真的属于比较倒霉的那种吧。
: Fundable Range: NLM uses the overall Impact Score as the primary basis for
: award decisions on all grant types, along with innovation and potential
: impact. Generally, speaking, for experienced investigators, applications
: with Impact scores 30 or better are the most likely to be funded. For Early
: Stage Investigators and New Investigators seeking their first R01 research
: grant, applications with Impact scores of 35 or better will be considered
: for funding. For K01 applications, K99/R00 applications, those with Impact

It depends on institutes. Some institutes use hard payline, meaning as long
as your score is within the line, you are awarded (e.g. NCI). Some other
institutes (e.g. NINDS, NIMH) only report 'averaged' funding score. For
example, two proposals, one's score is 12%, the other is 16%, the PO can
choose to fund the one at 16 percentile but not the one at 12 percentile,
prioritized by the programmatic relevance. At the end of the year, the
institute will report the 'averaged' funding score (e.g. 15%). However, it
does not mean you will get funded if your proposal is within 15 percentile.
Hope it helps!


【在 l****y 的大作中提到】
: Not sure your definition of "fundable score" here (maybe other faculties can
: also comment on this).
: In NIH, if your score is within funding percentile, your grant should be
: automatically funded (unless there are unpredictable events, such as
: sequestration, economic crisis. However, recently the financial environment
: is pretty stable), which is the reason why people often say program officers
: at NIH have less power than those from NSF, because at NIH most funded
: proposals are set by the funding percentile.
: For example, at NCI if you get score within 9%, you should get funding this
: year. Beyond 9% (say you have 11%) PO may or may not select your funding. I

Good to know.


【在 p*******7 的大作中提到】
: It depends on institutes. Some institutes use hard payline, meaning as long
: as your score is within the line, you are awarded (e.g. NCI). Some other
: institutes (e.g. NINDS, NIMH) only report 'averaged' funding score. For
: example, two proposals, one's score is 12%, the other is 16%, the PO can
: choose to fund the one at 16 percentile but not the one at 12 percentile,
: prioritized by the programmatic relevance. At the end of the year, the
: institute will report the 'averaged' funding score (e.g. 15%). However, it
: does not mean you will get funded if your proposal is within 15 percentile.
: Hope it helps!

It is very strange since you are EST....
I suggest that you talk to your po as soon as possible and get his support.
You may request for reconsideration during the October meeting.
Does NCI have a hard payline? seems different from what I heard before.


【在 p*******7 的大作中提到】
: It depends on institutes. Some institutes use hard payline, meaning as long
: as your score is within the line, you are awarded (e.g. NCI). Some other
: institutes (e.g. NINDS, NIMH) only report 'averaged' funding score. For
: example, two proposals, one's score is 12%, the other is 16%, the PO can
: choose to fund the one at 16 percentile but not the one at 12 percentile,
: prioritized by the programmatic relevance. At the end of the year, the
: institute will report the 'averaged' funding score (e.g. 15%). However, it
: does not mean you will get funded if your proposal is within 15 percentile.
: Hope it helps!

Well, I take it back. I don't know about NCI (not in my field). I do know
NINDS and NIMH do not use hard payline. NIBIB probably does.

【在 j**u 的大作中提到】
: Does NCI have a hard payline? seems different from what I heard before.
: long

Well, I admit the term "hard payline" is a bit misleading. Say this year NCI
's payline is 9%, if you initially see you had score 7%, the PO will not say
, congratulation, you got the funds. They will always say this is a great
score, it is likely funded, however .....But based on many people's
experience, the majority (I am not sure whether it's all, maybe other
faculties can comment on this) of the applications with the score at or
better than this payline did eventualy get the funding.
In others words, if the payline is 9%, I have never seen the situation that
(again, maybe there is exception if other faculty can point out) some
application with 9% got the funding,but a better score with 7% did not get
it. However, beyond this payline, it is likely that someone with 13% will
get the funding, but another one with 10% will not get it-- it depends on
how the PO will pick up the proposal.
From another faculty's comment, it seems different in some other institutes
(which seem less popular and probably less competitive, so there are more

【在 j**u 的大作中提到】
: Does NCI have a hard payline? seems different from what I heard before.
: long

你NLM 分数 百分位 是多少啊