各银行后门电话查询# Money - 海外理财
1 楼
各银行金融机构后门电话(来自http://ficoforums.myfico.com/t5/Credit-Cards/Backdoor-Numbers/m-p/408066 )更新与2012.01.10
大家顶起 包纸plz
后门电话能直接接通到credit analysts/Credit Departments / Account Managers /
Account Specialists,这些人能reconsider and decide大家的信用卡申请,信用额度
增加,利率高低等并且立马实行。但是后门电话也不是万能的 不能不顾自己的credit
见好卡就申 不过就打后门电话 还是要硬件条件做好了才是正道,最近就有几个ua被拒
reconsider成功 但是全部chase卡全部被关的情况
如果大家发现有的电话号码换了 打不通了 或者发现有新增号码 请pm我 我改进 增减
一些注意事项: Capital one 的电话不能用来打去提高信用额度了(2010) 感谢一下
Scamp,一个老美论坛理财版主吧 他整理的 几个常用电话像chase amex的电话放到最
先 其他的号码(所有的包括chase amex) 按照字母顺序查找
AmEx Oasis Program: 888-232-3261
AmEx: 800-567-1083 (App Recon Requests)
American Express Credit Bureau Unit: 800-874-2717. Must have a current
credit report before calling. They will ask for the account number from the
credit report, which is different from your card number.
Chase: 800-436-7927 (App status - automated)
Chase: 888-270-2127 (App recon)
Chase: 888-245-0625 (Credit Analyst - Recons)
Chase: 888-622-7547 (Chase Executive Ofc. in IL)
Chase: 800-955-9900 (Product change status questions)
Citi: 888-201-4523 (New App Approval Status)
Citi AA: 888-662-7759
Citi App Status: 800-645-7240, 800-288-4653, 800-750-7453
Citi: 800-444-2568 (Retention Dept.)
Citi: 800-763-9795 (App status?? They ask for your app #)
Citi Credit Bureau Dispute Fax: 866-713-5028
Discover: 888-676-3695 (Recon)
Discover: 866-219-0214 (Retention Dept.)
FIA: 866-421-8153 (credit analyst)
AmEx Oasis Program: 888-232-3261
AmEx: 800-567-1083 (App Recon Requests)
American Express Credit Bureau Unit: 800-874-2717. Must have a current
credit report before calling. They will ask for the account number from the
credit report, which is different from your card number.
Barclays: 888-232-0780 (Customer Care)
Barclays: 866-408-4064 (Credit Analyst)
Best Buy: 800-365-0292 (CSR)
Best Buy App Status: 800-811-7276
Best Buy Store Card: 800-305-0533
BofA: 866-421-8153 (App status)
BofA: 888-503-6090
BofA: 800-732-9194
BofA: 888-260-4696 (secured accts.)
BofA: 800-824-5895 (secured & partially secured accts.)
BofA: 800-718-6072 (Credit analyst - for existing cardholders only)
BofA: 800-881-4730 (Loan Dept.?)
BofA Credit Dept. Fax: 888-500-6270
BofA/FIA: 888-831-4181
FIA: 866-421-8153 (credit analyst)
BP/Amoco App Status: 800-365-6204
Cap1: 800-625-7866 (Account Specialist)
Cap1: 800-951-6951 (cust. relations)
Cap1: 800-548-4593 (application status - automated only)
Cap1: 800-889-9939 or 800-625-7866.(Account Specialist)
Cap1: 877-513-9959 (Account Retention?)
Cap1: 800-258-9319 (Debt Recovery)
Cap1 Secured Platinum: 800-219-7931 (deposit taker, can speak to credit
Cap 1: 800-707-0489 (Senior Escalation Account Mgrs.)
Chase: 800-436-7927 (App status - automated)
Chase: 888-270-2127 (App recon)
Chase: 888-245-0625 (Credit Analyst - Recons)
Chase: 888-622-7547 (Chase Executive Ofc. in IL)
Chase: 800-955-9900 (Product change status questions)
Chevron/Texaco Biz Card App Status: 888-243-8358
Chevron Underwriting: 800-243-8766
Citi: 888-201-4523 (New App Approval Status)
Citi AA: 888-662-7759
Citi App Status: 800-645-7240, 800-288-4653, 800-750-7453
Citi: 800-444-2568 (Retention Dept.)
Citi: 800-763-9795 (App status?? They ask for your app #)
Citi Credit Bureau Dispute Fax: 866-713-5028
Discover: 888-676-3695 (Recon)
Discover: 866-219-0214 (Retention Dept.)
Elan Financial Services: 800-685-7680
ExxonMobil Biz Card: 800-903-9966
FIA: 866-421-8153 (credit analyst)
GE Moneybank (except WalMart): 866-419-4096
Home Depot Store Card: 800-677-0232 (Credit Analyst)
Home Depot Store Card: 423 467 6957 (App Status/Recon)
Home Depot MC (Commercial): 800-720-0649
Hooters: 801-545-6705, 800-850-4668
HSBC: 866-574-4421 (App Status)
HSBC: 866-551-0258 (Credit Analyst)
HSBC: 866-280-0118 (Executive Resolution Unit)
JC Penney: 800-542-0800
Juniper: 866-408-4064 (Credit Analyst)
Juniper/Barclays: 866-750-6031 (Corp. Offices)
Key Bank: 888-201-4523 (App status)
Key Bank MC: 800-288-4653
Keybank Credit Research Fax: 216-357-6404
Lowes: 800-445-6937 (App Status)
Lowes: 866-232-7443 (Biz Acct. Underwriting)
Lowes Fraud/Underwriting/Credit Dept.: 800-444-1408
Macy's: 800-627-2909 (Credit Dept. - new credit, inquiries on upgrade to
Visa AmEx, credit reporting issues)
Macy's: 800-543-9617 (Recovery Services)
Meijers MC: 801-517-5560
National City: 800-762-0974 (Credit Dept.)
Nationwide Visa: 866-757-2720 (App. status)
Philips 66: 866-289-5630, 800-610-1961
Sam's Club: 800-301-5546, 866-246-4282 (Underwriting)
Sam's Club/WalMart: 877-294-7541 (escalated help desk)
Sears: 800-599-9710 (Comm'l Accts.)
Shell Fleet Card: 800-223-3296 (App status)
Shell: 800-223-3296, 866-438-7435
Shell: 800-377-5150
Staples: 800-767-1291, 800-282-5316
Sunoco Corp. Card: 800-935-3387, 800-278-6626
Sunoco: 800-310-4773
Target Biz Card: 800-440-5317
Tiffany: 800-770-0800
US Bank: 800-947-1444, 800-685-7680 (Underwriting)
US Bank Corp. & Comm'l Cards: 800-344-5696 (may not be true backdoor number
- someone please PM me if this is frontline CS. Thx! - Scamp)
Valero: 877-882-5376
Wal-Mart: 800-301-5546
Wal-Mart Underwriting: 877-294-7548; 877-294-8770
WalMart/Sam's Club: 877-294-7541 (escalated help desk)
WaMu CSR: 800-356-0011, or 800-280-9441
WaMu: 888-687-2273 (Apps/New Accts)
Wright Express: 888-743-3893
大家顶起 包纸plz
后门电话能直接接通到credit analysts/Credit Departments / Account Managers /
Account Specialists,这些人能reconsider and decide大家的信用卡申请,信用额度
增加,利率高低等并且立马实行。但是后门电话也不是万能的 不能不顾自己的credit
见好卡就申 不过就打后门电话 还是要硬件条件做好了才是正道,最近就有几个ua被拒
reconsider成功 但是全部chase卡全部被关的情况
如果大家发现有的电话号码换了 打不通了 或者发现有新增号码 请pm我 我改进 增减
一些注意事项: Capital one 的电话不能用来打去提高信用额度了(2010) 感谢一下
Scamp,一个老美论坛理财版主吧 他整理的 几个常用电话像chase amex的电话放到最
先 其他的号码(所有的包括chase amex) 按照字母顺序查找
AmEx Oasis Program: 888-232-3261
AmEx: 800-567-1083 (App Recon Requests)
American Express Credit Bureau Unit: 800-874-2717. Must have a current
credit report before calling. They will ask for the account number from the
credit report, which is different from your card number.
Chase: 800-436-7927 (App status - automated)
Chase: 888-270-2127 (App recon)
Chase: 888-245-0625 (Credit Analyst - Recons)
Chase: 888-622-7547 (Chase Executive Ofc. in IL)
Chase: 800-955-9900 (Product change status questions)
Citi: 888-201-4523 (New App Approval Status)
Citi AA: 888-662-7759
Citi App Status: 800-645-7240, 800-288-4653, 800-750-7453
Citi: 800-444-2568 (Retention Dept.)
Citi: 800-763-9795 (App status?? They ask for your app #)
Citi Credit Bureau Dispute Fax: 866-713-5028
Discover: 888-676-3695 (Recon)
Discover: 866-219-0214 (Retention Dept.)
FIA: 866-421-8153 (credit analyst)
AmEx Oasis Program: 888-232-3261
AmEx: 800-567-1083 (App Recon Requests)
American Express Credit Bureau Unit: 800-874-2717. Must have a current
credit report before calling. They will ask for the account number from the
credit report, which is different from your card number.
Barclays: 888-232-0780 (Customer Care)
Barclays: 866-408-4064 (Credit Analyst)
Best Buy: 800-365-0292 (CSR)
Best Buy App Status: 800-811-7276
Best Buy Store Card: 800-305-0533
BofA: 866-421-8153 (App status)
BofA: 888-503-6090
BofA: 800-732-9194
BofA: 888-260-4696 (secured accts.)
BofA: 800-824-5895 (secured & partially secured accts.)
BofA: 800-718-6072 (Credit analyst - for existing cardholders only)
BofA: 800-881-4730 (Loan Dept.?)
BofA Credit Dept. Fax: 888-500-6270
BofA/FIA: 888-831-4181
FIA: 866-421-8153 (credit analyst)
BP/Amoco App Status: 800-365-6204
Cap1: 800-625-7866 (Account Specialist)
Cap1: 800-951-6951 (cust. relations)
Cap1: 800-548-4593 (application status - automated only)
Cap1: 800-889-9939 or 800-625-7866.(Account Specialist)
Cap1: 877-513-9959 (Account Retention?)
Cap1: 800-258-9319 (Debt Recovery)
Cap1 Secured Platinum: 800-219-7931 (deposit taker, can speak to credit
Cap 1: 800-707-0489 (Senior Escalation Account Mgrs.)
Chase: 800-436-7927 (App status - automated)
Chase: 888-270-2127 (App recon)
Chase: 888-245-0625 (Credit Analyst - Recons)
Chase: 888-622-7547 (Chase Executive Ofc. in IL)
Chase: 800-955-9900 (Product change status questions)
Chevron/Texaco Biz Card App Status: 888-243-8358
Chevron Underwriting: 800-243-8766
Citi: 888-201-4523 (New App Approval Status)
Citi AA: 888-662-7759
Citi App Status: 800-645-7240, 800-288-4653, 800-750-7453
Citi: 800-444-2568 (Retention Dept.)
Citi: 800-763-9795 (App status?? They ask for your app #)
Citi Credit Bureau Dispute Fax: 866-713-5028
Discover: 888-676-3695 (Recon)
Discover: 866-219-0214 (Retention Dept.)
Elan Financial Services: 800-685-7680
ExxonMobil Biz Card: 800-903-9966
FIA: 866-421-8153 (credit analyst)
GE Moneybank (except WalMart): 866-419-4096
Home Depot Store Card: 800-677-0232 (Credit Analyst)
Home Depot Store Card: 423 467 6957 (App Status/Recon)
Home Depot MC (Commercial): 800-720-0649
Hooters: 801-545-6705, 800-850-4668
HSBC: 866-574-4421 (App Status)
HSBC: 866-551-0258 (Credit Analyst)
HSBC: 866-280-0118 (Executive Resolution Unit)
JC Penney: 800-542-0800
Juniper: 866-408-4064 (Credit Analyst)
Juniper/Barclays: 866-750-6031 (Corp. Offices)
Key Bank: 888-201-4523 (App status)
Key Bank MC: 800-288-4653
Keybank Credit Research Fax: 216-357-6404
Lowes: 800-445-6937 (App Status)
Lowes: 866-232-7443 (Biz Acct. Underwriting)
Lowes Fraud/Underwriting/Credit Dept.: 800-444-1408
Macy's: 800-627-2909 (Credit Dept. - new credit, inquiries on upgrade to
Visa AmEx, credit reporting issues)
Macy's: 800-543-9617 (Recovery Services)
Meijers MC: 801-517-5560
National City: 800-762-0974 (Credit Dept.)
Nationwide Visa: 866-757-2720 (App. status)
Philips 66: 866-289-5630, 800-610-1961
Sam's Club: 800-301-5546, 866-246-4282 (Underwriting)
Sam's Club/WalMart: 877-294-7541 (escalated help desk)
Sears: 800-599-9710 (Comm'l Accts.)
Shell Fleet Card: 800-223-3296 (App status)
Shell: 800-223-3296, 866-438-7435
Shell: 800-377-5150
Staples: 800-767-1291, 800-282-5316
Sunoco Corp. Card: 800-935-3387, 800-278-6626
Sunoco: 800-310-4773
Target Biz Card: 800-440-5317
Tiffany: 800-770-0800
US Bank: 800-947-1444, 800-685-7680 (Underwriting)
US Bank Corp. & Comm'l Cards: 800-344-5696 (may not be true backdoor number
- someone please PM me if this is frontline CS. Thx! - Scamp)
Valero: 877-882-5376
Wal-Mart: 800-301-5546
Wal-Mart Underwriting: 877-294-7548; 877-294-8770
WalMart/Sam's Club: 877-294-7541 (escalated help desk)
WaMu CSR: 800-356-0011, or 800-280-9441
WaMu: 888-687-2273 (Apps/New Accts)
Wright Express: 888-743-3893