关于Amex Platinum Card $200 airline fee reimbursement# Money - 海外理财
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版上都说买AA的gc. 比较疑惑的是为啥没人(很少人)说UA gc
做了些功课, share一下
1. 要选择prefer airlines. 而且如果下一个calendar year换airline,必须在一月份
You have the month of January to make a new selection. If you don't, the
airline you selected last year will continue as your choice for the new year.
2. 买gift card, UA, AA, Delta, US都可以. 可以看看flyertalk的讨论
UA: goo.gl/RhqlN
AA: goo.gl/OEmFB
US airway: goo.gl/Lgc7T
Delta: goo.gl/5t9XD
3. 上面的讨论太长,简单扫了一下UA和AA的(综合一些blog). 不正确请指出
a. UA, AA买GC一次买一张200或者一次买多张小数额或者多次买多张小数额都能拿到
b. UA的GC订票的时候一个transaction只能用一张.所以UA最好直接买200的GC. GC有效
期5年. 只能用来买机票(Certificates are only valid for air travel purchases,
including ticket, taxes and surcharges.) 不能和electronic travel certificate
具体T&C: goo.gl/QtjxX
c:AA的订票一个transaction可以用8张gc. 只能用来买机票
具体T&C: giftcards.aa.com/terms.jsp
做了些功课, share一下
1. 要选择prefer airlines. 而且如果下一个calendar year换airline,必须在一月份
You have the month of January to make a new selection. If you don't, the
airline you selected last year will continue as your choice for the new year.
2. 买gift card, UA, AA, Delta, US都可以. 可以看看flyertalk的讨论
UA: goo.gl/RhqlN
AA: goo.gl/OEmFB
US airway: goo.gl/Lgc7T
Delta: goo.gl/5t9XD
3. 上面的讨论太长,简单扫了一下UA和AA的(综合一些blog). 不正确请指出
a. UA, AA买GC一次买一张200或者一次买多张小数额或者多次买多张小数额都能拿到
b. UA的GC订票的时候一个transaction只能用一张.所以UA最好直接买200的GC. GC有效
期5年. 只能用来买机票(Certificates are only valid for air travel purchases,
including ticket, taxes and surcharges.) 不能和electronic travel certificate
具体T&C: goo.gl/QtjxX
c:AA的订票一个transaction可以用8张gc. 只能用来买机票
具体T&C: giftcards.aa.com/terms.jsp