If a long list of names pops up when the cashier enters your phone
number, tell them to scroll to the bottom and select your name with the "S"
If you are a Reward Zone member, they will need to add your number/name
for both RZ and SK in order to get credit.
You do not need to use your linked Visa or MasterCard to earn Best Buy
purchase kicks, and the kicks will be added directly to your account,
instead of going into a piggy bank in your kicks Bank.
The shopkick line must appear on your receipt for you to receive credit.
If it doesn't, credit cannot be given out.
Officical rule:
Kicks will be added to your account (not your kicks Bank) within 24 hours.
If you don’t receive your kicks after 1 day, please email us within 2 days.
Limit 2 transactions per user per week. Kicks are granted on your
transaction total before tax. Purchases of gift cards are ineligible for
kicks. Only one user per transaction.