蓝宝石SP改动: collision 变成primary, 7%明年停止# Money - 海外理财
1 楼
please help me with any kind of modification as long as you like. Music is
at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDI5NTYxNjA=.html
The big world 天之大
translated by gooog 作词:陈涛
2010-2-3 作曲、编曲:王备
Mama, look at the moon 妈妈月光之下
I begin to miss you 静静地我想你了
so quietly that my blood reaches your heart 静静淌在血里的牵挂
Mama, your strong hugs
at http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDI5NTYxNjA=.html
The big world 天之大
translated by gooog 作词:陈涛
2010-2-3 作曲、编曲:王备
Mama, look at the moon 妈妈月光之下
I begin to miss you 静静地我想你了
so quietly that my blood reaches your heart 静静淌在血里的牵挂
Mama, your strong hugs