simple cash 在 Money - 海外理财
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twitter员工的精神面貌 在我onsite的几个公司里面我感觉是最好的 不输于Google
onsite完Groupon后隔天onsite twitter
twitter的recruiter效率也非常高 电面完当天就安排下一轮
废话少说 上题目
p1: coding题目
Given continuous incoming real time stock price stream,
1) design data structure to support query for max, min price in the past
12 months.
2)implement in code
p2: 大数据设计题 Map Reduce, 会不断要求优化
Given 1000 worker nodes/hosts, 1 coordinator node (4GB RAM) - 10 billion
numbers are distributed randomly among the worker nodes.
i) Find the mean.
ii) Find the median
1) detect circle in linkedlist, find the meeting point
2) coding evaluate 7+3*4*5+2+4......
p2: 阿三
1)RGB color boxes with lowest cost, neighboring houses can not have the
same color.
2)coding Maxium Diameter of binary Tree
3. short URL设计
Lunch 是和电话面试的人 负责回答问题 不提交feedback 和google类似
1) Most interesting project. why
2) have large log files, how to design to implement
Timestamp, Key, Amount of event
getSequencce(key, start, end, min/hour/daily)
follow up: what's the challenges
coding 1: K-way Merge 变形题目
coding 2: Decorator pattern变形题目
1)Ask about project
2) Sorting large files with single machine
3) LRU Cache Design and coding
onsite 小插曲:
第二轮阿三本意想给出DP的染色问题 可惜题目条件给错了被我用greedy解决 三哥在那
愣了半天 不断的加条件 可惜始终没加对 加完greedy依然有效
临走时三哥莫名其妙的和我说我本来还有很多题目没时间问你了 就有不详的预感
事后recruiter给的feedback证明三哥确实给了negative的 feedback
onsite完Groupon后隔天onsite twitter
twitter的recruiter效率也非常高 电面完当天就安排下一轮
废话少说 上题目
p1: coding题目
Given continuous incoming real time stock price stream,
1) design data structure to support query for max, min price in the past
12 months.
2)implement in code
p2: 大数据设计题 Map Reduce, 会不断要求优化
Given 1000 worker nodes/hosts, 1 coordinator node (4GB RAM) - 10 billion
numbers are distributed randomly among the worker nodes.
i) Find the mean.
ii) Find the median
1) detect circle in linkedlist, find the meeting point
2) coding evaluate 7+3*4*5+2+4......
p2: 阿三
1)RGB color boxes with lowest cost, neighboring houses can not have the
same color.
2)coding Maxium Diameter of binary Tree
3. short URL设计
Lunch 是和电话面试的人 负责回答问题 不提交feedback 和google类似
1) Most interesting project. why
2) have large log files, how to design to implement
Timestamp, Key, Amount of event
getSequencce(key, start, end, min/hour/daily)
follow up: what's the challenges
coding 1: K-way Merge 变形题目
coding 2: Decorator pattern变形题目
1)Ask about project
2) Sorting large files with single machine
3) LRU Cache Design and coding
onsite 小插曲:
第二轮阿三本意想给出DP的染色问题 可惜题目条件给错了被我用greedy解决 三哥在那
愣了半天 不断的加条件 可惜始终没加对 加完greedy依然有效
临走时三哥莫名其妙的和我说我本来还有很多题目没时间问你了 就有不详的预感
事后recruiter给的feedback证明三哥确实给了negative的 feedback