伪3D的确没有必要去看 加上强烈的脱出感,不看3D效果更佳,最明显的例子我记得是那个加州地震的片子,因 为陪朋友看,看了两遍,明显第二遍不是3D的效果强太多 适合看3D需要满足以下几个条件 1. 用3D摄影拍摄 or 2. 用IMAX全屏播出的“科教片” or 3. animation film or 3. 闲着没事,不看3D会死
Kitchen Collection has a price for lid, and another price on the glass. I assume you could buy them separately. It is funny that I first the price on the lid, like $1.xx, I was like, this is cheap. Then I found another price stick on the glass part, which was $5. xx.