戈尔还真拿诺贝尔和平奖了。# MusicPlayer - 乐手之家
1 楼
其实在Live Earth以后就预感这位同学能拿奖,今年在环保主题上属戈尔最活跃了
Dear kurtz,
I am deeply honored to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. This award is even
more meaningful because I have the honor of sharing it with the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change--the world's pre-eminent
scientific body devoted to improving our understanding of the climate crisis
Dear kurtz,
I am deeply honored to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. This award is even
more meaningful because I have the honor of sharing it with the
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change--the world's pre-eminent
scientific body devoted to improving our understanding of the climate crisis