Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Baby# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
Looking forward to serving your little one his first PB&J? Chocolate milk
shake? Eggs and a side of toast with honey? You'll have to wait. As exciting
as it is to introduce new foods to your little one, there are a few items
that should stay off the menu — at least for the first 12 months. That's
because they contain allergens or other irritants that can disrupt your baby
's sensitive (and still developing) digestive system. Here's your guide to
foods to avoid during your baby's first year, from
In a nutshell, you'll have to nix nuts and peanuts from baby's diet during
the first year and maybe even beyond if you have a history of allergies in
your family. That's because nuts are highly allergenic, and if a baby
indulges in them too soon it could lead to a serious peanut sensitivity or
intolerance. So wait for the green light from your doctor. Once you get it,
start your child off with smooth varieties of nut spreads and butters (your
child won't be ready for the chunky kind, or whole nu
Sunny-side up? Down? How about all around? Eggs are a great source of
protein, vitamin D, and other vitamins and minerals, but your younger baby
may have to get by without egg on his face. Because egg whites are
allergenic, most doctors won't recommend giving whole eggs to babies less
than a year old. However, egg yolks (minus the whites) should be fine at the
seven-to-ten-month mark.
Honey ingested in the first year can create a sticky situation for your baby
's health. Not only is it full of sugar (and cutting baby's sweet tooth is
something you should try to postpone for as long as possible), it may
contain the spores of Clostridium botulinum. Although harmless to adults,
these spores can cause botulism in babies — with constipation, poor
appetite, and lethargy as side effects. While some doctors okay honey at
eight months, most recommend waiting till year's end.
It may do a (bigger) body good, but babies under one year of age should
steer clear of cow's milk, for several reasons. First, though milk allergies
are rare (only two to three of every 100 children develop a true milk-
protein allergy), exposing an infant to cow's milk too soon does make
developing one more likely, especially if other family members have a
history of allergies. Second, cow's milk can be hard for young infants to
digest, and the high concentrations of protein and minerals may st
Wheat is another food that can cause an allergic reaction in some children
younger than a year old. The problem is gluten, a difficult-to-digest
protein that can cause a skin rash, loose stools, constipation, or poor
sleep for some babies when ingested. The good news? Babies usually outgrow
wheat and other allergies by their first birthday (peanut allergies, however
, are usually lifelong). Still, it's probably best to wait to introduce
wheat until you know for certain that your baby has had no
Although packed with vitamin C, citrus fruits and juices — such as oranges,
grapefruits, and tangerines — are very acidic and can cause tummy trouble
or allergies in infants (with still underdeveloped digestive systems). They
are also (like all juices) packed with sugar. For that reason, it's best to
avoid juice altogether or at least limit it. If you do serve it up, choose
apple, pear, or white grape juice, diluted with water, which are tummy-
friendly alternatives. When you do introduce citrus
While baby won't be eating any lobster dinners for quite a while (so save
those lobster bibs for the grown-ups in the family), you may wonder when you
can crack a claw for your little sailor. Like wheat and cow's milk,
shellfish can be highly allergenic to babies less than a year old. Most
doctors recommend slowly introducing shellfish, such as shrimp, lobster, or
crab, after one year. If your family has a history of allergies, however, it
's best to wait until your child is at least three years
This favorite fruit — packed with antioxidants and vitamin C — is a
healthy and delicious addition to your family's diet but not necessarily
your baby's. Your doctor may recommend holding off on strawberries until at
least the one-year mark (longer if there is a history of allergies in your
family). Not only are strawberries acidic (which can make them hard on tiny
tummies), but they are a potential allergen and may prompt rashes or
reactions, even in babies that are not food-sensitive. Do
Just as you wouldn't give your baby a cup of coffee, you should steer clear
of giving a baby chocolate — even if it's just a little taste. Because of
its high caffeine content (not to mention sugar), it's best to avoid giving
any chocolate to babies under one year of age — and even beyond (your child
has his whole life to discover his inner chocoholic, so don't rush it!).
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