Pampers Dry Max 的 refund offer# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
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不少妈妈抱怨dry max, you can get some refund here -
Our Satisfaction Guarantee
We're so confident that you'll love our Pampers Swaddlers and Cruisers with
Dry Max that we back them with a total satisfaction guarantee! If you are
not totally satisfied with Pampers Dry Max we will refund your money. Simply
send us your original receipt, the UPC from your Pampers Swaddlers or
Cruisers Dry Max package, and your full name and mailing addre
Our Satisfaction Guarantee
We're so confident that you'll love our Pampers Swaddlers and Cruisers with
Dry Max that we back them with a total satisfaction guarantee! If you are
not totally satisfied with Pampers Dry Max we will refund your money. Simply
send us your original receipt, the UPC from your Pampers Swaddlers or
Cruisers Dry Max package, and your full name and mailing addre