Gerber brand tends to leak easily. Another thing is that don't freeze it too long. The longer the bags are in the freezer, the more "brittle" the bags will be, even for good brands. I don't like to have the bag stand there in the freezer. When the milk solidify, not only the volume expands vertically (up and down, and there is no problem with that because you only freeze 5 oz), but also horizontally ( left and right) and that's the reazon of leaking. If you leave the bag standing, all milk tries to go to the bottom of the bag before freezing, leaving little room for volume expansion in left and right direction. I would just freeze around 4 oz, the smaller the size, the less impact on the plastic
【在 j*****1 的大作中提到】 : Gerber brand tends to leak easily. Another thing is that don't freeze it too : long. The longer the bags are in the freezer, the more "brittle" the bags : will be, even for good brands. : I don't like to have the bag stand there in the freezer. When the milk : solidify, not only the volume expands vertically (up and down, and there is : no problem with that because you only freeze 5 oz), but also horizontally ( : left and right) and that's the reazon of leaking. If you leave the bag : standing, all milk tries to go to the bottom of the bag before freezing, : leaving little room for volume expansion in left and right direction. : I would just freeze around 4 oz, the smaller the size, the less impact on