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To ease the passage of hard stools, consider applying a small amount of
water-based lubricant to your baby's anus. Don't use mineral oil, laxatives
or enemas to treat infant constipation.
If your baby is struggling and it's been a few days since his or her last
bowel movement, it might help to place an infant glycerin suppository into
your baby's anus. Glycerin suppositories are available without a
prescription. They're only meant for occasional use, however, if dietary
changes aren't effective.
Talk to your baby's doctor about treatment options. Ask about using an over-
the-counter stool softener to make bowel movements more comfortable for your
baby, but never give your baby a laxative without her doctor's approval.
The doctor may also suggest you try a glycerin suppository if your baby is
severely constipated. The suppository will stimulate the rectum and help her
pass a stool. While using a suppository occasionally is fine, don't do it
on a regular basis, since your baby could wind up relying on them to have a
bowel movement.
If your baby is passing such hard, dry stools that she tears the delicate
skin near the opening of her anus (you may be able to see these tears, known
as anal fissures, or a little blood), you can apply some aloe vera lotion
to the area to help it heal. Be sure to mention the tears to your baby's
To ease the passage of hard stools, consider applying a small amount of
water-based lubricant to your baby's anus. Don't use mineral oil, laxatives
or enemas to treat infant constipation.
If your baby is struggling and it's been a few days since his or her last
bowel movement, it might help to place an infant glycerin suppository into
your baby's anus. Glycerin suppositories are available without a
prescription. They're only meant for occasional use, however, if dietary
changes aren't effective.
Talk to your baby's doctor about treatment options. Ask about using an over-
the-counter stool softener to make bowel movements more comfortable for your
baby, but never give your baby a laxative without her doctor's approval.
The doctor may also suggest you try a glycerin suppository if your baby is
severely constipated. The suppository will stimulate the rectum and help her
pass a stool. While using a suppository occasionally is fine, don't do it
on a regular basis, since your baby could wind up relying on them to have a
bowel movement.
If your baby is passing such hard, dry stools that she tears the delicate
skin near the opening of her anus (you may be able to see these tears, known
as anal fissures, or a little blood), you can apply some aloe vera lotion
to the area to help it heal. Be sure to mention the tears to your baby's
3 楼
My son had similar problem. So I followed my friend's advice and added
organic yogurt into his diet. It really helped.
organic yogurt into his diet. It really helped.
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