2 楼
1. 理论上 沒加氟(Fluoride)的牙膏 不小心吞下去都沒事
(Fluoride对防蛀牙有幇助 but not recommended in toothpaste when child is
still small and could swallow the toothpaste)
2. I would read the label to make sure it doesn't use some type of sugar in
the ingredient to make the product taste better.
(不好意思 我家宝宝還小 我自己沒買过)
3. can let your child try brushing for fun (to establish good habit), but
mom or dad brushes for him/her after. (3-yr-old's are too young to brush
thoroughly by themselves) And don't forget to floss their teeth too.
(Fluoride对防蛀牙有幇助 but not recommended in toothpaste when child is
still small and could swallow the toothpaste)
2. I would read the label to make sure it doesn't use some type of sugar in
the ingredient to make the product taste better.
(不好意思 我家宝宝還小 我自己沒買过)
3. can let your child try brushing for fun (to establish good habit), but
mom or dad brushes for him/her after. (3-yr-old's are too young to brush
thoroughly by themselves) And don't forget to floss their teeth too.
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