I sort of can understand what's in your mind. You hate your husband, so you don't want to give up the kid to him or his parents. I had the same thought recently too.....
【在 y*****8 的大作中提到】 : 是男孩啊,如果是女孩子我可以领养。我会对孩子好的。我已经给我将来的女儿被好嫁 : 妆了。一幢房子+一块5公斤重的A级翡翠。也许这小孩将来可以成为下一个STEVE JOBS : 呢。给个号人家养也好,至少对孩子好啊。像我家就是很好的归属。
147 楼
www.cedaorg.net You can find a lot of benefits by talking to them. If they do not administrate certain program, they will let you know who to talk to. No having a legal status yourself could be a problem. I am in Chicago, maybe able to provide you some help. Message me.
I don’t think you really want to give up your son, right? Think about it, you give up him now, your life will be easier, but you will regret it later. Even if you can be successful and bring him back years later, life is not the same for him & you anymore. Being separated from parents is a big shock for kids at this age and I believe you don’t want you baby to suffer it. Being a mother is very hard. It’s not all about “what I want”, it’s more about “what is the best for my kids”. I believe you will make the correct decision. I also want to point out, without your husband's permission, you can't give your baby away. It's illegal. If you husband hears about it, he can use it to against you and you won't even get your son's custody.
1, Why she has to stay in the US? 2, She can apply for benefit for her kid. Only the immigration officer can deport her. What is the concern? 3, She is willing to work. How about babysitting? How about afterschool care ? Just 2 years away from the kid going to the public school.
Bear2008阿姨,你知道法拉盛在哪里吗?我估计你对法拉盛不是很了解,法拉盛是个纽 约最大的华人聚集地,在法拉盛和人合租房子,孩子上中国人的DAYCARE,一个人的工 作养活个小孩子的例子多了。。。生活苦是苦,但也没看人家要把孩子送人呀。。。 像LZ这种人就是欠骂,这跟什么“没必要站在道德的至高点上像个圣人一样谴责别人” 根本风马牛不相及。也拜托你不要像圣人一样胡乱乱发慈悲,你是信佛还是信耶稣的? Give me a break! 另外,我没觉得LZ离婚有什么不幸,如果她没错,那么和一个垃圾老公离婚对她反而是 一件好事。 最后,我来问你,如果你是LZ这种情况,你会把你孩子送人吗?...如果你以后也被“ 不幸”了,带着你的孩子来纽约可以找我,我保重给你介绍一份可以养家糊口的工作。
LZ, I'm so ashamed of you. US is not heaven, plus, in any religion, people like you who abandon their own kids, don't deserve a happy life-----so stop dreaming about your happy life in US! In your case, go back to China, face what you have to face, stay with your kid, no matter what it may cost you. Really, i feel so sorry for your kid. You are worthless.