非愚人节:被说成伪造了MMR疫苗导致Autism的医生被平反了# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
Well-known Whistleblower Calls for Withdrawal of British Medical Journal
Article Alleging Fraud
AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 10, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Strategic Autism Initiative
(SAI), an autism research foundation, reported today that an ongoing
investigation into the allegations of fraud against Dr. Andrew Wakefield
concerning a paper published in The Lancet in February, 1998 is being
conducted by an internationally respected scientist, Dr. David Lewis. Early
results of his investigation, which were published on November 9, in The
British Medical Journal (BMJ) and The Journal Nature, reveal that The Lancet
paper in question accurately reported the results provided to Dr. Wakefield
by the collaborating specialists at the Royal Free Hospital in London,
contrary to the findings of a series of articles published by the BMJ in
January 2011.
According to Dr. Lewis, "There was no fraud committed by Dr. Wakefield. The
crux of the matter in Wakefield's case, so far as research fraud is
concerned, is whether Wakefield fabricated the diagnosis of non-specific
colitis for 11 of the 12 Lancet children as claimed in Table 1. Drs. Paul
Dhillon's and Andrew Anthony's grading sheets clearly show that Wakefield
did not fabricate the diagnoses of non-specific colitis reported in the
Lancet article." In addition to his work as a scientist, Dr. Lewis directs
the Research Misconduct Project of the National Whistleblower Center in
Washington, D.C.
Dr. Wakefield, executive director of SAI, upon learning of these early
results, said, "In a bid to justify their position, the BMJ claim now to
have commissioned, and plan to publish, expert analyses rebutting these
findings. But they miss the point. BMJ cannot accuse a professional of
fraud and then claim that, 'he just reported the findings he was given, but
our new experts 13 years later say those findings were wrong.' Whether the
findings were wrong or not - a dispute between experts - it confirms there
was no justification for their original allegations of fraud."
"The grading sheets and other evidence in Wakefield's files clearly show
that it is unreasonable to conclude, based on a comparison of the
histological records, that Andrew Wakefield 'faked' a link between the MMR
vaccine and autism," Dr. Lewis added. "Now that these records have seen the
light of day, it is time for others to stop using them for this purpose as
well. False allegations of research misconduct can destroy the careers of
even the most accomplished and reputable scientists overnight. It may take
years for them to prove their innocence; and even then the damages are often
irreparable. In cases where mistakes are made, every effort should be taken
to fully restore the reputations and careers of scientists who are falsely
accused of research misconduct."
Dr. Lewis recommended that "(BMJ author) Brian Deer should either withdraw
his paper MMR: Faking The Link 'Wakefield's 'Autistic Enterocolitis' Under
The Microscope;' or at least retract any statements implying that Wakefield'
s summary of Dhillon's blinded analysis suggests that he faked the diagnoses
of non-specific colitis."
He plans to continue his investigations, including a detailed expert
analysis of the BMJ's allegations provided to him today suggesting that the
BMJ may have altered key findings of the 1998 Lancet paper and the
presentations of the children's symptoms to support their fraud allegations
against Wakefield.
About SAI
The Strategic Autism Initiative (SAI) is a medical research organization
focused on identifying the environmental causes of the worldwide autism
About Dr. David Lewis
Dr. Lewis, a member of the NWC Board of Directors and Director of its
Research Misconduct Project, is a former senior-level research
microbiologist for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). He was
the only EPA scientist to ever publish first-authored research articles in
Lancet and Nature. His research published in Lancet and Nature Medicine on
the inadequacy of CDC guidelines to prevent transmission of HIV in dentistry
prompted the current heat-sterilization standard for dentistry in the mid-
1990s. His environmental research published in Nature received the Science
Achievement Award by the EPA Administrator in 2000. Editors at Annals of
Internal Medicine rated him in the top 10% of reviewers in 2010. His
accomplishments in medical and environmental research have been widely
covered professional, scientific and popular publications and broadcasts
including Nature, Science, Lancet, JAMA, National Geographic, Reader's
Digest, Voice of America, Paul Harvey News, Time, Newsweek, U.S. News &
World Report, Forbes, NY Times, Washington Post, London Times, NPR's All
Things Considered, PBS Healthweek, PBS Technopolitics, CBS Evening News, ABC
's Primetime Live, and BBC Panorama.
The Lewis accusations analysed
DEER: The title is revealingly silly and insulting.
DAVID L LEWIS: “Editors at the British Medical Journal (BMJ) and Brian Deer
, a freelance reporter with no formal training in science or medicine…”
DEER: I’m an experienced investigative reporter with more than 25 years of
contentious public interest journalism behind me, much of which has been in
the field of medicine. I’ve won two British Press Awards for my
investigations, including for my work on the Wakefield affair.
DAVID L LEWIS: “… alleged that Andrew Wakefield fabricated the diagnosis
of colitis in a 1998 Lancet study involving 12 children with autistic
spectrum disorder (ASD).”
DEER: At the core of our problems in dealing with Lewis is that nowhere was
such an allegation made in the BMJ. He repeatedly identifies my feature “
Autistic enterocolitis under the microscope”, published in April 2010, but
this simply doesn’t make such an allegation. Plain reading would make this
Not only can I find no foundation for this fundamental of Lewis’s complaint
(and I think I’d remember forming any view at that time that the
histopathology reporting in the Lancet was fraudulent, as distinct from, say
, wrong, misleading or incompetent), we consulted legal counsel, before and
after publication, and expert peer-reviewers. We remain unable to identify
any text inferring Wakefield’s intent with regard to histology reporting. I
’ve similarly asked Nature to identify any such text, and they too have
DAVID L LEWIS: “In the study, some parents and physicians linked MMR
vaccine to the children's gastrointestinal problems and rapid regression
into autism.”
DEER: This statement is noted. As a matter of fact, such “links” as were
made followed approaches by Wakefield, who, the GMC panel heard, telephoned
both parents and doctors to advance his views prior to the children’s
evaluation by clinicians.


【在 a**y 的大作中提到】
: Well-known Whistleblower Calls for Withdrawal of British Medical Journal
: Article Alleging Fraud
: AUSTIN, Texas, Nov. 10, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Strategic Autism Initiative
: (SAI), an autism research foundation, reported today that an ongoing
: investigation into the allegations of fraud against Dr. Andrew Wakefield
: concerning a paper published in The Lancet in February, 1998 is being
: conducted by an internationally respected scientist, Dr. David Lewis. Early
: results of his investigation, which were published on November 9, in The
: British Medical Journal (BMJ) and The Journal Nature, reveal that The Lancet
