Behr, Yolo Colorhouse, Benjamin Moore 那個對嬰兒最安全?# NextGeneration - 我爱宝宝
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請問有mm 用過以上油漆嗎? 請給些意見~
剛買了新家, 正煩惱用那個油漆對寶寶影響較少~
全是Zero VOC, 當中BM 最貴, Behr 最平, Yolo Colorhouse 聲稱是Green seal
product, "Green Seal Certification ensures that a product meets rigorous,
science-based leadership standards. This gives manufacturers the assurance
to back up their claims and purchasers confidence that certified products
are better for human health and the environment." 好像說很安全似的~
另外對光觸媒有何見解? 聲稱除臭殺菌, 說得很厲害!! 正打算是否需要全屋噴灑!
剛買了新家, 正煩惱用那個油漆對寶寶影響較少~
全是Zero VOC, 當中BM 最貴, Behr 最平, Yolo Colorhouse 聲稱是Green seal
product, "Green Seal Certification ensures that a product meets rigorous,
science-based leadership standards. This gives manufacturers the assurance
to back up their claims and purchasers confidence that certified products
are better for human health and the environment." 好像說很安全似的~
另外對光觸媒有何見解? 聲稱除臭殺菌, 說得很厲害!! 正打算是否需要全屋噴灑!