Re "儿医推荐脸朝后坐到两岁。宝宝个大的话至少坚持到一岁半以上吧。现在应该换
Convertible Car Seat。Convertible最好用到四岁。下一步还是最好用5-point
harness的carseat/booster seat。越晚上用汽车安全带的booster seat越安全。"
I did some research 4+ years ago. So the following information could be
In Europe (except in Britain), kids need to be rear-facing till 4 years old.
In Britain, however, kids can face front at 9 months. I remember a mom
complaining British kids were not considered as valuable as kids in other
part of the Europe.
It's all about probability. Front-ending resulted in about 74% of fatal car
accidents, while rear-ending only resulted in about 4% of fatal car