As long as a baby weights more than 11-lb, and no medical concern, then the
baby is capable of sleeping through the night.
Whether or not 可以训练睡整觉, it's up to you and your family to decide. If
EVERYONE in the family is happy with the sleep condition now, then, no need
to change it. If anyone is unhappy, then there should be some change.
Since you are asking the question, assume that you want improvement, then,
you should do something.
Whether or not 让他哭, you should be able to choose the method.
Remember sleep training is to train the baby to fall to sleep on his/her own
, and fall back to sleep on his/her own.
Once the baby can do this, he can simply sleep through the night. As even if
he wakes up, he is capable of fall back to sleep on his own.
There are mainly 3 methods:
1. Cold turkey -Let the baby cry.
The simpliest way. It's the most effective way, meaning it takes the
shortest time to get there. However, this method makes a lot parents not
2. Put up and put down, also know as no cry method.
It takes a lot of patient to do this. Eventually, you get there. Key word is
eventually, you get there.
3. Ferber method, aka, cry-it-out method, is somewhere in between.
This methods allows parents to check on baby at extended intervals.
It usually takes less than 3 days to establish the new sleep habit, and 2
weeks to reinforce the new sleep habit.
All the methods have similarities. One of them being, you have to be
persistent. You can't send out the mixed message, which only going to
confuse the baby. That's typically the case, when someone says that "We
tried ST, but only make the baby cry harder", etc.

【在 y****i 的大作中提到】
: 5个月大小孩可以训练睡整觉么?让他哭?