我觉得说没有孩子的人没有资格讨论这个问题是非常武断的一个说法。在做对人生有重 大影响的决定之前想清楚缘由、比较利弊是非常合理而且应该做的事情。没上大学之前 不能问为什么要上大学吗?没结婚之前不能问为什么要结婚吗?物质一点,没买房子之 前不能问为什么要买房子吗? 我建议楼主搜集一些正方两个方面的资料,看看最后哪方取胜。我推荐以下几个对我有 帮助的资源。他们的共同特点是给你一个不带偏见的诚实客观的看待这个问题的机会。 1. New York Times网站上的一个blog。重点看评论,尤其是Reader's Picks, NYT's Picks. http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/01/07/why-does-anyone-h 2. "I'm Okay, you're a brat" by Susan Jeffers. An honest look at parenting. I especially like chapter 10 where the author talks about all the wrong ( but seemingly reasonable) reasons to have children. http://www.amazon.com/Okay-Youre-Brat-Priorities-Parenthood/dp/ 3. "Complete without Kids" by Ellen Walker. True stories from childless couples by choice or by chance. http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Without-Kids-Insiders-Childfree/
you are not ready, so don't your hormone will tell you if it's the time to have a baby by the way, having a baby is not fun at all, it's more about responsibility and passing on your gene. whether or not you have fun, it really depends on how you are gonna raise your kids