滑冰怎样注意安全(转)# Parenting - 为人父母
So how do you skate safe on a crowded session?
Public Ice
Follow the rules!
Don't skate against the flow. Don't cut across the coned section. Don't do
knee slides, or crack the whip. Don't shoot pucks, or small children. Don't
wear ear buds, or talk on the cell phone. In other words, use common sense.
Practice ice
This one's a little more complicated, but starts the same--follow the rules.
Which means know the rules. Ask a coach what the rules are. This can also
have the affect of making the coach remind herself what the rules are, since
coaches are often the worst offenders (and frankly a coach that tells you,
don't worry about it we make our own rules--giant waving red flag.) Pattern,
right-of-way, and priority will vary somewhat from rink to rink, but here
are some common sense rules to follow.
Right of way
In general, the person whose music is playing has the right of way. At a
well-run session, this person will be wearing a bright pinney or belt. At a
stupidly run session, you are somehow just supposed to know who is skating
to their own music. Following that, a person in a lesson has the right of
way over someone there for practice. The person doing the jump or spin in
the proper place has the right of way over someone doing a non-music
runthrough of their program (i.e. if your program has a jump or spiral
choreographed in the center where everyone is spinning, you have to yield to
the spin).
Don't stand still
The worst thing you can do on crowded ice--public or practice-- is stop and
stand in the middle of the ice. If you have to stop, get over to the boards.
Do not give me the excuse that you're "trying to see where the skater is
going to go." Straight into you is where, because no one expects immovable
objects in the middle of the rink.
Lefty jumpers get the right of way. Do not cut off their jump patterns.
Lutz corner
The lutz corners are upstage right and downstage left. Never give a lesson,
or practice small patterns in these corners, you will drive the people
working on lutz, and their coaches, into a murderous rage. (Left jumpers use
the other corners; if there are a lot of left jumpers on a session you also
cannot use these corners, but with just a couple lefties on a session, just
be aware and get out of the way--lutz setups telegraph a mile away.)
Round and round and round and....
Don't stay in one little circle practicing the same move over and over and
over. If you have to practice some small pattern, move it around the rink.
Better yet, start learning how to "use the ice," i.e. use at least half the
ice on all jump set ups, do turns within moves patterns, etc. Adult skaters
are particularly guilty of this one.
Lower level or upper level skaters?
Lower level skaters get the right of way. Period. I don't give a shit about
your triple flip. If there's a skater working on waltz jumps they clearly do
not have the tools you have at your disposal to pull a jump and not cause a
crash. Do not role your eyes, or complain to the monitor, or your mother,
or stamp your little foot. Lower level skaters are a fact of life unless you
are in a serious training program. If you're not, then get over yourself
and stop frightening the babies.
Friends, and coaching groups
When you're skating with a friend, or if your coach does group lessons on
practice sessions, it is very easy to get tunnel vision, and to see only
your own group. Don't let the group be an ice hog, pissing everyone else off
. Understand that group activities, even when parsed out a skater at a time,
have a tendency to command the ice. If 15 skaters are all skating the same
set pattern, even if they're only going out one or 2 at a time, they are
going to create a vortex that no one else can skate through. Be sensitive to
this if you're part of a group.
Get up
If you fall, get up, even if you're hurt. Your prone body is the skating
equivalent of a pothole--no one is expecting you, and you're hard to see
down there.
Stick with it
Practice ice is terrifying the first few times out there. It looks like
chaos. But a session has its own sense and pattern, which you will only
start to understand when you are out there. Stay with it, and learn to go,
as they say, with the flow.
if you cannot skate, then don't skate in a very crowed session.


【在 s*****r 的大作中提到】
: 原文在这儿:
: So how do you skate safe on a crowded session?
: Public Ice
: Follow the rules!
: Don't skate against the flow. Don't cut across the coned section. Don't do
: knee slides, or crack the whip. Don't shoot pucks, or small children. Don't
: wear ear buds, or talk on the cell phone. In other words, use common sense.
: Practice ice
: This one's a little more complicated, but starts the same--follow the rules.
