加大活动量,比如5点到6点半之间让他在playground 多折腾折腾。
不喜欢吃的先吃, 并且父母要做表帅, 至少要显得很enjoy;喜欢吃的作为奖
励放在后面;另外吃饭前提醒一下规则,如果不按时吃完,就只能俄肚子, 自然也没
只要他进步了,哪怕是只多主动吃了一口, 或者在凳子上多做了一分钟, 都要及时
坚持一到两周, 一般就可以了
(二)关于positive discipline
不主张撕书等“破坏性”惩罚方式, 坚决反对体罚, 尤其是不太自信, 或者社交不
大方的孩子。西方教育和管理都将调positive discipline, 是很值得我们学习的。这
一点在孩子身上要想做得好, 做父母要尽可能多从孩子的角度去感受他们。孩子2岁是
觉得是big deal的事情,2岁半的时候可能觉得是nothing.说得可能有点太泛了。
positive discipline 执行起来对父母的要求也很高。读过书,也上过课,在孩子身上
1)prepare kids in advance about the rules, when they are calm and happy, and get her/his agreement about both the consequence of a bad behavior and the award of a good behavior.
2)be consistent about rules (at least one parent need to be consistent to oneself. If Mom and Dad have slightly different rules in the houses, it is
important that one parent does not disagree with the other parent in front
of kids)
3) timely action to reinforce the positive behavior, e.g. a hug, kiss, a
sticker, or time to read a favorite book/story etc.
4) talk about it afterwards. It is hard to discuss anything with a 3 or 5
year old when they are upset ( even for adults). Remember to acknowledge the
times when they are doing well before you get hard on their bad behaviors.
5)be patient and be realistic about what little kids can do. You may need to
repeat the same thing 50 times before they can get it. However, as soon as
they get it, you will see they immediately start to educate their siblings
or friends. And that is the rewarding time for parents :-)