美国WASP的历史太短了,给大家看看英国“广义WASP”的数据吧: 800年前上牛津剑桥的家族,其中很多后代现在仍然在牛津剑桥的花名册里 Despite the upheavals of the last 800 years, there have been Darcys, Mandevilles, Percys and Montgomerys at the two elite institutions for 27 generations. Researchers found the same names which were associated with great wealth and privilege under William the Conqueror are still found at the top echelons of society today. 人家是几百年一贯制的推娃,才保证了本族群在社会里的精英地位。 现在居然有老中跳出来说“我的娃掉下去也不要紧,娃自己开心就好” 很简单嘛。如果你的孙子辈一天要在沃尔玛兼职12小时,看他还开心得起来不? 提醒你们一下,从上面掉下去很快,从下往上爬是很难滴 Family names which signalled poverty 150 years ago, such as Boorman, Defoe, Goodhill and Ledwell, also tend to remain low on the social scale, the team from the London School of Economic (LSE) concluded. 新闻来源: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/universityeducation/univer http://www.theguardian.com/education/shortcuts/2013/oct/30/posh http://www.independent.co.uk/student/news/are-you-of-the-pember
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