"Freshman year I was on the freshman team, sophomore year I was on JV, and now I'm a junior and was hoping to make varsity. We had tryouts this week and instead of getting on varsity like I'd hoped, I got put on freaking JV again. Words cannot describe how sad and angry I am right now... All of my close friends made varsity and I'm just as good as them. The JV always gets mashed together with the freshman team so today we had to learn rotations and it SUCKED! Nobody knows what they're doing! I'm so frustrated that nobody knows how to even hit the ball correctly. :/ The only positive thing I see is that I'll be captain of the team since I'm the oldest and play every game. But honestly I'd rather be on varsity and never play. Varsity gets to tee-pee the freshmens houses, gets the new uniforms, best practice time, etc. I was really looking forward to getting to do that. Plus it's so EMABARRASSING to be on JV as a junior! I can't even admit it to myself. People always expect juniors/seniors to be on varsity, not JV. It makes me feel ashamed that I'm not good enough to be on varsity. How should I handle this? I want to quit so badly but I know that I would miss playing. Any tips? "
3 楼
" I know this is old, but I know how you felt, this is me right now. I'm a junior and just found out today that i got placed in JV which is so embarrassing because I'm literally the only upperclassman on JV!! The rest are sophomores and freshman, and even worse some freshman got put into varsity and I didn't. It's humiliating even when they were new to the sport just like I was. And my junior friends got put onto varsity when they were just as inexperienced as me. I know I'm not the best, but I will admit that I played a little better than the freshman who are now on varsity. "
4 楼
"Im exactly in your position before (this question was 2012 and now its 2014 ). Anyway, I feel really sad right now that Im even crying while typing this . I just heard from one of my coaches (shes really not the one who decides who made the team) but still! Shes a coach in my sport. She said that im gonna be in JV. Im a junior and what she said really hurt me so bad :'( I cant even stop from crying today. I feel like im such a loser for not making it into Varsity. All my junior friends are gonna be in varsity and im not : ( I tried my best in tryouts and I play pretty good and I serve really good in volleyball like some of the people in Varsity. Sorry if I sounded like a cry-baby but this is unfair. And my friends i think they dont even care about me whether I made it or not. I guess theyre happy because im still in JV unlike them."