Kindle3看txt电子书有没有目录# PDA - 掌中宝
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出生的,老婆没有工作,我们联合保税。dependent type该填什么呀。给的几个选项1,
child who lived
with you(or away at college). 2,child who lived with someone else due to
divorce/separation. 3,other dependent. 4, Nondependent EIC child. 5,Not a
dependent this year.这几个选项都不合适呀。谢谢。
出生的,老婆没有工作,我们联合保税。dependent type该填什么呀。给的几个选项1,
child who lived
with you(or away at college). 2,child who lived with someone else due to
divorce/separation. 3,other dependent. 4, Nondependent EIC child. 5,Not a
dependent this year.这几个选项都不合适呀。谢谢。