Most people go through a similar process. Here are my advices to you:
1. Find a mentor in your department. Usually this person is the department
head or chair. Or you ask the chair to recommend somebody. Regularly seek
help from the mentor. This will not only make a friend for you in the dept,
but also improve your communication ability,
2. Control what you can. For example, you cannot control whether your papers
or proposal are accepted or funded. But you can keep on trying.
3. In your teaching, show your students you care for them, and listen to
their voice. Do at least one survey in the first half of the semester, and
revise your approach accordingly.
4. Try to social with your colleagues. Nobody likes loners. Go to lunch with
them if possible.
5. Keep a professional image, including regular hair cut, showering and
ironing your clothes, trimming your nose hair, et al
6. Do regular exercises, and be energetic and have enough sleep
7. Go to conferences to network with the top people in your field including
program managers who may give you a grant. Some of your letter writers for
your tenure case may be those too.
You have shown you are one of the best already, and you can continue to be
one. It is an uphill battle for us. Good luck.