Italy fines Apple over protection plans (转载)
Italy fines Apple over protection plans (转载)# PDA - 掌中宝
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发信人: Dar (莫名), 信区: Apple
标 题: Italy fines Apple over protection plans
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Dec 28 19:22:50 2011, 美东)
Financial Times
Apple为了卖自己的protection plan故意淡化意大利法律规定的额外的一年保修,而购
买apple protection plan后额外的那一年就overlap了,所以被意大利视为坑蒙拐骗行
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Apple has been fined 00,000 by Italy's competition authority for selling
consumers protection plans for its products without adequately informing
them of a statutory two-year warranty.
The Antitrust Authority said Italy's consumer code gave buyers the right to
two years of free care for their products, but three Apple divisions in
Europe had been less than clear about this in information given in Apple
stores in Italy and on its website.
Instead, Apple had emphasised its own one-year guarantee for its products
and had been selling extended protection through its AppleCare Protection
Plan to buyers, meaning the protection bought overlapped with the extra year
provided by law.
Apple Italy, Apple Italy Retail and Apple International Sales were fined
00,000 for failing to adequately inform consumers about the two-year
guarantee and 00,000 for inducing them to sign up for overlapping
protection plans as a result.
The authority said it had opted not to fine Apple the maximum 00,000 for
the first offence as Apple had made changes to improve information for
consumers during its investigation.
Apple Sales International has 90 days to change the terms of its AppleCare
Protection Plan so that it recognises the existence of the two-year
An Apple spokesperson was unavailable for comment.