I claimed Scholarly articles 这条. 我主要集中写了我发表的文章和引用数量。IO#
399说我应该写清楚我的研究学术内容,文章发表的刊物发行数量和方式。IO#399 said
beneficiary's articles are scholarly in nature. In general, a sholarly
article is an article that deals with academic subject matter. In addition,
the evidence does not show that the articles were published in professional
publications, trade publications, ot other major media.”其实,我都详细提供
了我的文章复印件,刊物名称和影响因子。其中有一篇一作(Impact Factor 14) 还有
一篇一作(Impact Factor 10),另外还有六篇影响因子小的。
请问:有谁有回复IO #399关于这条的经验。多谢!