法官Koh头疼地终于爆发了: 你丫是不是嗑药了?太NM吊丝了。
Patent Judge jibes at Apple Lawyer “are you on drugs”
Judge Koh became frustrated when Apple’s lawyer suggested he could call 22
witnesses in four hours.
The judge in a high profile US patent trial involving Apple and Samsung has
said the iPhone maker’s lawyer must be on drugs if he thought she would
accept his list of potential witnesses.
William Lee had named 22 people he wanted to rebut testimony given by
Samsung’s choice of experts.
“Unless you’re smoking crack you know these witnesses aren’t going to be
called” said Judge Lucy Koh.
Mr Lee replied: “Your honour, I’m not smoking crack. I can promise you
The clash, reported by the Verge news site, took place close to the end of
the trial after Mr Lee presented a 75-page document detailing the witnesses.
The judge had previously made it clear she wanted closing arguments to be
presented next week. She has given each side a maximum of 25 hours to make
its case.
Of that time Apple has less than four hours of witness testimony remaining
on its clock, and Mr Lee said he honestly believed he could cover all the
people he had named within that period.
The move could potentially have made it harder for Samsung’s legal team to
Disputed figures
Samsung called on damages expert Michael Wagner shortly before the exchange,
who said Apple had overestimated Samsung’s profit margins.
His evidence was intended to undermine the US firm’s claim that it was owed
$2.5bn (£1.6bn) in damages.
Under cross examination Mr Wagner acknowledged that his analysis had been
based on data provided by Samsung as part of its response to Apple’s patent
infringement accusations.
In addition to denying the allegations the South Korean firm is also
pursuing its rival for royalty payments. Its witnesses suggested it was owed
as much as $421.8m.
Judge Koh’s outburst is not the first time she has expressed anger at the
two sides’ behaviour in the case.
Earlier the judge chided Samsung’s lawyer John Quinn for approving a press
release which publicised evidence she had ruled inadmissible in court.
She had also demanded each legal team write out their legal arguments after
they wrangled over whether a witness should be allowed to present certain
evidence, saying: “I don’t trust what any lawyer tells me in this
courtroom. I want to see actual papers.”
Despite the potential large payouts involved in the case the firms’ share
prices do not appear to have suffered.
Apple’s stock has closed at a record high of $636.34 after rising 6.9%
since the start of the trial.
Samsung’s shares have gained 5.5% over the same period.
棒子企业跟美国本土企业 在San Jose打官司? Jury都是美国人吧? 苹果要是输了
貌似 judge 韩国后裔?

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