13 楼
MS certainly can sell some Surface Pro, but it's the market of Ultrabook
that's getting hannibaled. If the hardware margin is very low, MS can't get
more money out of it than licensing to 3rd party.
that's getting hannibaled. If the hardware margin is very low, MS can't get
more money out of it than licensing to 3rd party.
onedrive怎么跟别人share folder?为啥我重新下载了here的地图,检查更新的时候还是说需要update新手想搭建NAS求教Lumia 920 WP8.1 还是不能用简体中文显示界面有什么方法能在电脑上跟踪GPS?[出售]Lenovo IdeaPad Yoga 2 Pro 13.3 (转载)为诺基亚520/521叫好电视盒子到底哪个比较好?IGO 的“inactive content”任何UNLOCK的GSM电话可以用在Virgin Mobile吗?fire TV有靠谱的看中文电视/电影的app吗?蠢材吧电池OOS了。给别人自己手机的MAC address 有不良后果吗?明天罗胖和刘翔就要约炮了2500尺的房子 布7-8个口 1000刀够吗?到底买 EZCast 还是 ChromeCastVolvo 车托你能不能闭嘴。 (转载)华为荣耀6和华为P7s刚才师妹又追踪我了请问:大家用Google Offline地图是不是很快就过期了?