加拿大同学搞到第一波Lumia 920了,有兴趣的同学可以看看# PDA - 掌中宝
1 楼
tenure track AP, offer letter上有一段 "the position is funded through non-
state funds, continuation of employment services under this employment will
be contigent upon the continuing availability of funds from sources other
than continuing state budget funds of permanent trust funds".
请问这是不是虽然是tenure track AP,但学校可以随时以没funding为由停止合同啊。
state funds, continuation of employment services under this employment will
be contigent upon the continuing availability of funds from sources other
than continuing state budget funds of permanent trust funds".
请问这是不是虽然是tenure track AP,但学校可以随时以没funding为由停止合同啊。