Verizon Wireless application onhold
I am sorry I cannot type Chinese in office.
I want to Bestbuy yesterday afternoon and sucussfully price matched to $199
per phone. Everything looked fine in the beginning but unfortunately in the
end Bestbuy lady told me that Verizon has not approved my application and
they can not sell me the phone.
It was extremely strange because I know I have very high credit scores, if
not perfect. As a couple year slickdealer, I know almost all of trick for
Credit card and credit scores. I almost have never been turned down by any
credit card company and I watched my credit score very closely every month.
I do not know if Bestbuy agent (a very young lady) messed up my application,
maybe some info has not been entered correctly. I also do not know if my
new Drive Lisence causes problem. Also it looks a little bit strange as I
was asked to enter my SSN twice. if I enter my SSN almost in the same time
range I think that might make sense. But I was asked to enter SSN again
after 5 or 6 minutes I entered my SSN first time. Additionally I renewed my
DL five months ago and I might be assigned a new DL number. I do not know
if that might cause the issue.
Long story short. At least Bestbuy is not professional. I asked the bestbuy
agent to show me the screen or any message saying verizon does not approve
my application. They said they do not have. I asked the agent and her
manager what my application ID is or anything verizon could trace back this
application and they say they do not have application ID. I asked them if
we could call Verizon together, they refused and they told me to go to
Verizon store to figure out. In the end, without application ID might cause
a big deadlock to me.
So I drove to the nearest Verizon store. However, since Bestbuy did not
give me the application ID, they have nothing to do. They just restarted a
new application for me in store. After they entered me my DL, SSN and DOB,
they told me that my application is on-hold and they have no idea why my
application is on hold. Then I tried to call verizon to understand but they
asked me call back on Monday.
I looked at my credit report last night through annualcreditreport and
everything looks fine to me. So I called verizon again this morning. However
, since I do not have the application ID they asked for, they said they
could do nothing for me.I asked them if they could search my name or SSN to
find the application and they said they are not able to. I asked to be
transfer to Verizon Finance serice and they told me they can not. The only
thing they say they could do is to start a new application through the phone
At this moment I do not want any more hard pull on my credit report. I know
Verizon does hard pull for phone service. I might have 1 or 2 hits in
Bestbuy and might have another 1 hit in verizon store. I just do not want
these clueless sale person ruins my credit score again and again. Finally I
gave up and I decided to wait. There might be a small chance Verizon
Finance service might give me a call or send me a letter when they happen to
review my application in Bestbuy.
it is a very bad bad exprerience. Honestly I still do not understand why
verizon refuse or hold on my application. Anyone has similar experience? I
know credit card company has reconsideration line. Does verizon have any
similar phone number I could discuss my application with verizon agent? Is
there any way to find out the appliciation ID? At this moment, other than
waiting for call for Verizon finance, is there anything I could do? Any
suggestions is appreciated. Thanks.
BB里面90%的小二都是一群fags & liars
Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I applied for mobile service last
year around the same time on Verizon website, and got on hold as well (this
was the notice email I got from Verizon):
"Thanks for your recent order. Unfortunately, we were unable to process your
order because your credit application was placed on hold due for the
following reason:
Our Credit Review Department has requested additional information. "
My credit score was good. I did have a car loan - don't know if that
triggered Verizon's alert system. But anyway, the hold was cleared
automatically in about a week and everything worked out fine in the end.
Hope that helps.


【在 d*****n 的大作中提到】
: I am sorry I cannot type Chinese in office.
: I want to Bestbuy yesterday afternoon and sucussfully price matched to $199
: per phone. Everything looked fine in the beginning but unfortunately in the
: end Bestbuy lady told me that Verizon has not approved my application and
: they can not sell me the phone.
: It was extremely strange because I know I have very high credit scores, if
: not perfect. As a couple year slickdealer, I know almost all of trick for
: Credit card and credit scores. I almost have never been turned down by any
: credit card company and I watched my credit score very closely every month.
: I do not know if Bestbuy agent (a very young lady) messed up my application,



【在 s*******a 的大作中提到】
: Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I applied for mobile service last
: year around the same time on Verizon website, and got on hold as well (this
: was the notice email I got from Verizon):
: "Thanks for your recent order. Unfortunately, we were unable to process your
: order because your credit application was placed on hold due for the
: following reason:
: Our Credit Review Department has requested additional information. "
: My credit score was good. I did have a car loan - don't know if that
: triggered Verizon's alert system. But anyway, the hold was cleared
: automatically in about a week and everything worked out fine in the end.

Thank you for the info. that is helpful.
I talked to Verizon Credit Department and it looks like they received 3
applications from me.
Unbelievable. Ever time when these sales persons, either at Bestbuy, or at
Verizon Store, or at Verizon Customer Service, told me that they are tring
to help me and asked my SSN to solve this problems,they actually submitted a
new brand new application for that.
I might be hard pulled 3 times for these 3 applications. I need to look at
my credit reports again next week to make sure. Crazy..... Big mistakes for
me. I should not trust these sales persons. These clueless salesperson could
eaily ruin anyone's credit scores by creating these unnecessary hard pulls.


【在 s*******a 的大作中提到】
: Sorry to hear about your bad experience. I applied for mobile service last
: year around the same time on Verizon website, and got on hold as well (this
: was the notice email I got from Verizon):
: "Thanks for your recent order. Unfortunately, we were unable to process your
: order because your credit application was placed on hold due for the
: following reason:
: Our Credit Review Department has requested additional information. "
: My credit score was good. I did have a car loan - don't know if that
: triggered Verizon's alert system. But anyway, the hold was cleared
: automatically in about a week and everything worked out fine in the end.
