Target ipad $200 trade-in# PDA - 掌中宝
1 楼
Please submit a complete copy of the actual letter and/or contract offering
employment to the beneficiary (addressed to the beneficiary) issued at time
of hire by the appropriate university hiring authority pursant to Title 8...
....This letter or contract must set forth the title, terms and condition of
the position offered. If the beeficiary has changed positions since his
initial hire, please send documentation conforming with the above of each
Please submit a copy of the relevant portion of the university peronnel
manual, administrative handbook, etc that covers the type of appointment (
Post doctoral fellow )offeref to the beneficiary.
我在申请时附加了OFFERLETTER, title是research associate, 但不知他们为何还问
Please submit a complete copy of the actual letter and/or contract offering
employment to the beneficiary (addressed to the beneficiary) issued at time
of hire by the appropriate university hiring authority pursant to Title 8...
....This letter or contract must set forth the title, terms and condition of
the position offered. If the beeficiary has changed positions since his
initial hire, please send documentation conforming with the above of each
Please submit a copy of the relevant portion of the university peronnel
manual, administrative handbook, etc that covers the type of appointment (
Post doctoral fellow )offeref to the beneficiary.
我在申请时附加了OFFERLETTER, title是research associate, 但不知他们为何还问