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发信人: dayuguanshui (大禹灌水), 信区: Complain
标 题: [投诉]弹劾梦版版主KX板斧USA2008滥用职权,无故封人
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Feb 7 12:49:19 2013, 美东)
KX (梦版版主)
投诉理由及证据: 无故封人,我作为普通网友,不常上站,看不惯梦版随便封人,说了
标 题: 是不是sunsetarches吃定别人不敢投诉,因为会暴露ID?的作者被取消在
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Jan 19 16:28:28 2013)
来 源: 184.
由于您在 Dreamer 版 聊天式灌水,我很遗憾地通知您,
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Sat Jan 19 16:28:28 2013
We come across tons of interesting patents each and every day, but recently
none have caused as much concern and curiosity as this one. Google recently
filed a patent for a system that identifies when and where a “mob” event
takes place and sends multimedia alerts to relevant parties. The patents are
actually titled “Mob Source Phone Video Collaboration” and “Inferring
Events Based On Mob Sourced Video“.
No… not that mob. In this case a “mob” is essentially an activity or
event attracting an abnormal amount of attention in the form of video
recording and picture taking. Here’s a quick blurb from the patent
Excerpt from US Patent #20140025755
“When there are at least a given number of video clips with similar time
stamps and geolocation stamps uploaded to a repository, it is inferred that
an event of interest has likely occurred, and a notification signal is
transmitted (e.g., to a law enforcement agency, to a news organization, to a
publisher of a periodical, to a public blog, etc.).”
The fact that “law enforcement agencies” and “news organization(s)” are
the first two examples provided by Google themselves is our greatest cause
for concern. Especially at a time when privacy issues seem to take center
stage all too often in the worst way possible.
Much has been made about NSA snooping, privacy, FISA, civil liberties and
much more over the past year, so to think Google filed this patent
application with the idea of potentially and proactively feeding information
to law enforcement is a bit unsettling.
We’ve already seen rudimentary examples of law enforcement using the public
’s photos and videos to track down culprits. Look no further than the
Boston Marathon bombing last year. The FBI used photos and video from
attendees’ cell phones to help identify the parties responsible for that
unfortunate event. With a system like this, they might not have had to
procure the actual phones to get what they needed.
Would only photos/videos you uploaded as publicly viewable be included into
this system? Could you opt out? Could Google access the private content
stored on your local device for these purposes?
The exact details of this system – if put into practice – would likely be
buried deep in a Terms of Service document. We’re guessing the most
effective solution (for Google) would be collect aggregate and anonymous
data to which you opted-in (time and location data of multimedia),
extrapolating that data to identify “mob source” events, and then sharing
related, publicly available multimedia to 3rd parties.
This could be used in any of the typical “nothing attracts a crowd like a
crowd” scenario, from bar fights and car accidents to flash mobs and
unpredictably Arandom occurrences.
With that said, it’s important to remember that this isn’t inherently
negative or invasive . Imagine heading out to see your favorite band, taking
a few pictures, and Google Now alerts you that there are 100 related photos
and videos from other concert goers.
The recently-held 56th annual Grammy Awards Show comes to mind as a big
event at which many folks would want to snap tons of photos and videos.
Google could recognize the photos are from the Grammys based on time and
location information in the files, and send that information off to whatever
3rd parties they deem relevant: news agencies, nearby users, people
searching Google for “Grammy Awards”, etc… you name it.
We’d even venture a guess that Michael Bay’s meltdown at CES earlier this
month would have landed the appearance in the “Mob Source” category with
photos and videos being taken and shared left and right:
Then there’s the stuff Google already does where this technology already be
in use, such as the Party Mode feature on Google+ Events. Said feature
allows party-goers to upload images and video to the event page for everyone
who attended that event to check out. We imagine Google could make that
whole process automatic for bigger events so you won’t have to fiddle
around with uploading multimedia while you should be having a good time.
Don’t get too alarmed just yet — whether for alerting the authorities or
enhancing their own services — they’ll almost certainly have easy and
obvious ways to opt-in or opt-out (though we’d definitely prefer the former
over the latter) to such features.
In fact, several illustrations and descriptions within the patent (see image
below) refer to a system where the person who took the photo or video is
asked if they’d like to include their content in whatever repository he or
she may be uploading to. Still not convinced? Well, it’s easy enough to
disable geo-location features in the camera or take images in airplane mode,
so there’s that.
google image repo patent
One the one hand it seems like Google is approaching this with the idea that
users will know exactly what they’re getting into before they get into it.
On the other hand, it’s hard to shake their own emphasis on law
enforcement agencies and news organizations.
Google has been scrutinized, chastised, and criticized about privacy issues
lately, so if this is an area they tread they’ll do so lightly, and we’ll
continue sleeping with one eye open. Let’s hope the company that beats the
“don’t be evil” drum louder than anyone else stays true to their word.
Where do you think Google is headed with these new patents and are you
further concerned about your privacy after reading this article? And one
more wrench to throw into the discussion… what if the data collected by law
enforcement agencies was used for the purpose of holding law enforcement
agencies accountable? After all, most of those “police brutality” videos
are taken by innocent bystanders.
Rob Jackson contributed to this article.

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