2 楼
买了两个 new toys, 只是想试验一下。
connect mate 2 to TV's usb port(left side) and choose "turn on usb storage"
then "OK" in mate 2 and choose USB in SE50UY04 source.
use TV remote to explore mate 2 while charging it, have fun
connect mate 2 to TV's usb port(left side) and choose "turn on usb storage"
then "OK" in mate 2 and choose USB in SE50UY04 source.
use TV remote to explore mate 2 while charging it, have fun
3 楼
用了一个月7寸板后再用iphone的感想。。。TP升级到3.0.4后,安装汉化包以后如何调出中文输入法这个真的雷到俺了终于知道cm的reputation怎么来的了tp的置顶攻略还有效么真是搞笑galaxy nexus这命名很恶心啊android alpha 2.1 问题不少What is UberSocial?板上能不能搞个3g/4g的速度对比?TP“被”升级了cm alpha 2到这儿下载可能会快点hp smb的tp到了,但信用卡好像还没charge3.0.4还有必要超频么?那个Verizon的TP case,大家都热风吹四角了吗?TP CM7 直接升级还是卸载重装阉猪中文离线输入法。一个晚上砖了两次TouchpadHP TouchPad Free AppsHP被升级了